As a New York Times correspondent in China, I covered the SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003 1._________

摘要: B
As a New York Times correspondent in China, I covered the SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003 1.____________ a novel coronavirus was first detected in Guangdong. M
As a New York Times correspondent in China, I covered the SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003 1.____________ a novel coronavirus was first detected in Guangdong. My two children 2.____________(attend) elementary school in Beijing throughout the outbreak.
The International School of Beijing, where my children were students, was one of the few in the capital that stayed open throughout the SARS outbreak.
The school instituted a bunch of simple precautionary policies: a stern note to parents 3.____________(remind) them not to send a child to school who was sick and warning them that students would 4._____________(screen) for fevers with ear thermometers at the school door. 5.___________ was no sharing of food at lunch. The teacher led the kids in frequent hand washing throughout the day at classroom sinks, while singing a prolonged “hand washing song” to ensure they did more than a cursory pass under the faucet with water only.
6._________ those precautions in place, I observed something of a public health miracle: Not only did no child get SARS, but it seemed no student was sick with 7.______________ at all for months on end.
The World Health Organization declared the SARS outbreak 8.___________(contain) in July 2003. But, oh, those habits persisted. The best first-line 9.____________(defense) against SARS or the new coronavirus or most any virus at all are the ones 10._____________ Grandma and common sense taught us, after all.
1.when 2.attended 3.reminding screened 5.There
6.With 7.anything 8.contained 9.defenses 10.that
1.correspondent  n. 通讯员,记者(reporter/journalist) correspond vi 通信 vt. 建立一套系统/规则/法律程序(to start sth. such as a system, rule, or legal process)
institute n. 机构,学院
institute new measures 制定新措施
institute criminal proceedings 提起刑事诉讼
3.a bunch of  一堆(a number of things of the same type) a bunch of flowers 一束花
a bunch of keys 一串钥匙
4.precautionary UK /prɪˈkɔːʃənəri/ US /prɪˈkɑːʃəneri/  adj. 预防性的,小心的 构词:pre-(往前的)+ cautionary(警告、劝诫的)
a precautionary step/measure 预防性措施
5.stern adj. 严厉的,坚定的 a stern warning 严厉警告
a stern expression 严肃的表情
6.screen UK /skriːn/ US /skriːn/  vt. 筛查 screen n. 屏幕
screen sb. for sth. 检查某人是否携带某物
All babies are to be screened for the infection.所有婴儿都要接受感染筛查。
7.ear thermometer  耳温枪/耳温计 forehead thermometer 额温枪
8.prolonged adj. 长时间的,拖长的
9.cursory adj. 粗略的,草率的(hasty) a cursory glance 匆匆瞟了一眼
10.on end  持续地(without interruption) It rained for days on end.
11.first-line  adj. 首选的 first-line treatment/therapy 首选疗法




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