Sugary Drink Consumption Plunges in Chile After New Food Law Four years after Chile embraced the wor

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Sugary Drink Consumption Plunges in Chile After New Food Law
Four years after Chile embraced the world’s most 1.__________(sweep)measures to combat moun
Sugary Drink Consumption Plunges in Chile After New Food Law
Four years after Chile embraced the world’s most 1.__________(sweep)measures to combat mounting obesity, a partial verdict on their effectiveness is in: Chileans are drinking a lot fewer sugar-laden beverages, according to a study published Tuesday.
2.____________(consume) of sugar-sweetened drinks dropped nearly 25 percent in the 18 months after Chile adopted a raft of regulations that included advertising restrictions 3.___________ unhealthy foods, bold front-of-package warning labels and a ban on junk food in schools. During the same period, researchers recorded a five percent increase in purchases of bottled water, diet soft drinks 4.___________ fruit juices without added sugar.
The law is far-reaching. It includes mandatory package redesigns 5.__________ erased cartoons like Tony the Tiger from sugary cereal boxes, and a series of black stop signs that 6.____________ appear on the front of packaged foods and beverages high in salt, sugar, fat or calories.
7.___________(avoid) having to display the dreaded stop signs on their products, companies like Nestlé, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have reformulated hundreds of products, 8._____________(reduce) the amount of sodium in salad dressings and substituting artificial sweeteners for sugar in carbonated drinks.
Experts say 9.__________ is too soon to know whether the food regulations are making a dent in Chile’s obesity rates. But the early results could embolden 10.______________(policymaker) in Chile.
1.sweeping 2.Consumption 3.on 4.and 5.that
6.must 7.To avoid 8.reducing 10.policymaker
1.plunge vi. 暴跌,骤降(to dive or fall fast);跳水 其他关于“下降”的表达:
2.embrace measures to do sth.  采取措施做某事 近义表达:take measures to do sth.
embrace更强调accept sth. willingly and start supporting it
embrace vt. 拥抱
embrace the future 拥抱未来
3.combat obesity  对抗肥胖症 obesity n. 肥胖症
combat vt. 与……作斗争;防止,抑制
combat crime 防止犯罪
4.mounting adj. 增加的,正在加剧的
5.sweeping adj. 彻底的 a sweeping victory 彻底的胜利
a sweeping reform 全面的改革
6.a verdict on sth.  对某事的判断、意见 verdict n. 意见,判断;裁决
Has the jury reached a verdict?陪审团有结果了吗?
We find this person guilty or innocent. 我们判定此人有罪/无罪。
7.sugar-laden beverage  高糖饮料 laden v. 装载,装满(lade的过去分词)
n.-laden 充满某物
a fat-laden meal 非常油腻的一顿饭
the smoke-laden air 满是烟味的空气
8.a raft of…  大量的……(a large number of…)
9.bold adj. 醒目的,显眼的;加粗的
10.mandatory  adj. 法定的,强制性的 The mandatory retirement age of men is 60.男性的法定退休年龄是 60 周岁。
11.dreaded adj. 令人畏惧的 a dreaded disease 一种令人畏惧的疾病
12.substitute A for B  用 A 来替代 B
13.make a dent in sth.  削弱某物;取得进展
The COVID-19 has made a dent in our economic growth.这次疫情,会稍微削弱我们的经济增长。
The garbage sorting is making a dent in our waste problems.垃圾分类,使得我们在废物处理的问题上初见成效。
14.embolden sb.  鼓舞某人(it makes you feel confident enough to behave in a particular way)




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