完形填空. When I was twelve, we wanted a swimming pool. My father was a teacher and we couldn't

摘要: 完形填空.
When I was twelve, we wanted a swimming pool. My father was a teacher and we couldn't 1 it. But we had the nicest lawn(草坪) and flower
    When I was twelve, we wanted a swimming pool. My father was a teacher and we couldn't    1    it. But we had the nicest lawn(草坪) and flowers in the neighbourhood. So Dad decided to start a yard-care    2    to make some money for the pool. I was expected to    3    on weekends and during the summer holiday.
    On most days, I    4    it. Dad paid me twenty dollars a week. I was    5    and got to spend all day with my dad. Life was pretty good. One day,    6   , I didn't want to go. While I worked all day, my friends played    7   . I also wanted a little bit of summer. So, I said, "   8   ." It was    9    — I had expected Mom and Dad would be very    10    at me but they just looked at each other. Dad walked out to work after he phoned one of my    11    to help for the day. Mom said I could stay at home if I liked.    12    was happy.
After breakfast, I was going to    13    outside with my friends. But Mom    14    me and said I didn't have to work with my father, but I had to stay at home helping her. I worked all day without the    15    I usually got while working with Dad. I had been doing all kinds of    16    until Dad came back. He handed five dollars to my friend, who ran home with    17   , shouting over his shoulder that Dad could    18    him anytime.
Dad never    19    to because I learned my lesson and I never    20    a day again. And we got our pool which I enjoyed on my few days off.
A、afford B、repair C、clean D、paint
答 案 A
解 析 因为负担不起游泳池的费用,爸爸决定要做生意挣钱。
A、competition B、club
C、rule D、business
答 案 D
解 析 虽然没钱建游泳池,但是“我们”有全社区最好的草坪和鲜花。于是,爸爸决定开始庭院护理生意以便挣一些钱。
A、swim B、advertise C、teach D、help
答 案 D
解 析 根据后文中的“While I worked all day”可知,父母期望“我”在周末和暑假期间帮忙。
A、learnt B、loved C、reported D、canceled
答 案 B
解 析 根据后文中的“Life was pretty good.”可知,大多数时候,“我”很喜欢这个工作。
A、tired B、dirty C、rich D、popular
答 案 C
解 析 根据后文中的“Life was pretty good.”可知,“我”很有钱而且可以整天和爸爸在一起,过得很快乐。
A、however B、instead C、still D、anyhow
答 案 A
解 析 根据下文中“While I worked all day, my friends played …”可知,然而有一天,“我”不想去了。
A、happily B、secretly
C、unwillingly D、proudly
答 案 A
解 析 “我”整天在工作时,我”的朋友们玩得很开心。“我”也想要一点夏天的感觉。
A、Thanks B、No C、Goodbye D、Hello
答 案 B
解 析 根据前文中的“I didn't want to go”可知,“我”说了“不”,拒绝和爸爸一起工作。
A、terrible B、usual C、strange D、true
答 案 C
解 析 根据后文的“I had expected Mom and Dad would be very       at me but they just looked at each other”可知,“我”以为爸爸妈妈会对“我”很生气,但他们只是对视了一下,这很奇怪。
A、surprised B、impatient C、pleased D、angry
答 案 D
解 析 “我”本以为爸爸妈妈会很生气,而实际上并没有。
A、teachers B、friends
C、brothers D、neighbours
答 案 B
解 析 根据后文中的“He handed five dollars to my friend”可知,爸爸找了“我”的一个朋友帮忙。
A、Someone B、Everyone C、None D、Neither
答 案 B
解 析 妈妈说如果“我”愿意,“我”可以待在家里。皆大欢喜。
A、fight B、exercise C、play D、deal
答 案 C
解 析 根据前文中的“I also wanted a little bit of summer.”可知,饭后“我”打算出去和朋友们玩。
A、attracted B、praised C、stopped D、found
答 案 C
解 析 但是妈妈阻止了“我”,说“我”不必和爸爸一起工作,但是要在家里帮她。
A、pressure B、promises C、orders D、breaks
答 案 D
解 析 根据前文中的“I worked all day”和后文中的“I had been doing all kinds of…”可知,“我”一天都在工作,没有像和爸爸一起工作时那样的休息时间。
A、housework B、homework
C、research D、exploration
答 案 A
解 析 根据前文中的“I didn't have to work with my father, but I had to stay at home helping her”可知,在爸爸回来之前,我”做了各种各样的家务。
A、confidence B、disappointment
C、shame D、joy
答 案 D
解 析 他递给“我”的朋友5美元,朋友高兴地跑回了家。
A、pay B、call C、visit D、invite
答 案 B
解 析 朋友一边跑一边叫头喊着爸爸可以随时打电话给他。
A、needed B、dared C、wished D、failed
答 案 A
解 析 爸爸再也不需要给他打电话了。
A、enjoyed B、regretted C、missed D、expected
答 案 C
解 析 因为“我”得到”了教训,再也没有错过一天。




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