完形填空 A young painter lived in a small house, living on painting portraits(画像). One day, a rich man c

摘要: 完形填空
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A young painter lived in a small house, livin
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 
A young painter lived in a small house, living on painting portraits(画像). One day, a rich man came for a portrait. They agreed on the ___14___ of $10,000. The day the man came to take the painting, an ___15___ idea occurred to him: “It’s me in the painting. If I don’t buy, no one will ___16___…” So he said, “I’ll only pay$3,000!” The young artist had never ___17___ such things. He strongly argued, expecting the rich man to ___18___ the agreement. “I ask you at last, will you sell it $3,000 or not?”
Realizing the man did it ___19___, the artist said in a ___20___ voice, “No! I’d prefer to not sell it rather than be humiliated(羞辱). Today you ___21___ your word and someday you must pay ___22___times.”
“What a joke! Am I stupid?”
“Well, we’d better wait and see.”
Soon the painter moved out to ___23___ some well-known teachers to work harder. Years later, he finally made a name ___24___ in the circle of art.
The rich man had forgotten the whole thing. ___25___ one day, some friends came to tell him, “In a famous exhibition, one painting is ___26___ $200,000 and the man in it looks ___27___ the same as you. It’s so strange that its __ 28___ is Thief.” He immediately thought of the ___29___. If the painting were that one, it would be a(n) ___30___ for him. He went to find the young painter ___31___.
And it was! He quickly apologized to the artist and paid 200,000 dollars to buy it back. With a strong ___32___, the young painter made the rich man ___33___ his head. This young man was Pablo Picasso.
14. A. award     B. reward     C. bonus     D. salary
15. A. ill         B. optimistic     C. abstract     D. elegant
16. A. neither     B. either     C. nor     D. besides
17. A. stood by     B. sent for     C. come across    D. pulled through
18. A. stick to     B. take to     C. see to     D. turn to
19. A. by accident    B. in turn     C. on principle     D. on purpose
20. A. reliable     B. gentle     C. loud     D. firm
21. A. eat     B. break     C. take     D. give
22. A. forty     B. thirty     C. twenty     D. fifty
23. A. receive     B. accept     C. consult     D. abandon
24. A. for himself     B. in itself     C. by himself     D. of itself
25. A. After     B. Before     C. Until     D. Unless
26. A. marked     B. grasped     C. followed     D. bought
27. A. eventually     B. exactly     C. slightly     D. probably
28. A. content     B. cover     C. sign     D. title
29. A. coincidence    B. accident     C. reputation     D. incident
30. A. honor     B. shame     C. disappointment  D. pity
31. A. right away     B. just now     C. at times     D. now and then
32. A. process     B. head     C. faith     D. concept
33. A. raise     B. bend     C. charge      D. fail
完形填空  14-18. BABCA    19-23. DDBCC   24-28. ACABD    29-33. DBACB
14. 考查名词词义辨析。award奖赏,奖品,奖;reward报答,酬金;bonus红利,津贴;salary薪水。年轻人请画家给他画一幅肖像,他们约定的报酬为$10,000。B选项正确。
15. 考查形容词词义辨析。ill坏的,不好的,生病的;optimistic乐观的;abstract抽象的;elegant优雅的。由下文中的“It’s me in the painting. If I don’t buy, no one will ___43___…” So he said, “I’ll only pay$3,000!”可知,年轻人想少付钱,这是一个非常坏的念头。故A选项正确。
16. 考查副词词义辨析。neither也不;either也;nor也不;besides此外,另外。年轻人想:“画像上画的是我。如果我不买,别人也不会买。either置于句末,表示“也”。故B选项正确。该句中no one已表示否定意思,故A和C选项不正确。
17. 考查动词短语辨析。stand by站在…的一边;send for派人去请(叫);come across(偶然)遇见;pull through (使)渡过危机(或难关)。年轻的艺术家以前从未遇到过这样的事情。C选项正确。
18. 考查动词短语辨析。stick to遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定或原则等);take to开始从事(某种职业、业务等);see to照料,留意;turn to向……求助。艺术家强烈地和年轻人争论,希望他可以遵守协议。A选项正确。
19. 考查短语辨析。by accident偶然,意外地;in turn轮流;on principle按照原则;on purpose故意地。艺术家意识到年轻人故意要少给钱。D选项正确。
20. 考查形容词词义辨析。reliable可靠的;gentle温柔的;loud大声的;firm坚定的。由后面艺术家说的话(No! 我宁愿不卖它也不愿遭受侮辱)可知,他说话的语气非常坚决。D选项正确。
21. 考查动词词义辨析。eat吃;break打破;take带走;give给。年轻人原本答应给艺术家$10,000,后来只打算给$3,000,他说话不算数,食言了。故B选项正确。
22. 考查数词词义辨析。forty四十;thirty三十;twenty二十;fifty五十。由最后一段中的“paid 200,000 dollars to buy it back”可知,有钱人花了原价的20倍买回了那幅画。故C选项正确。
23. 考查动词词义辨析。receive收到;accept接受;consult向……咨询,向……请教;abandon抛弃。年轻艺术家向著名的老师请教。C选项正确。
24. 考查介词短语辨析。for himself为他自己;in itself自身,本质上;by himself单独地,独立地;of itself自行;自然而然地。艺术家为自己闯出了名声。A选项正确。
25. 考查连词词义辨析。after在……之后;before在……之前;until直到……;unless除非,如果不。那个富人忘记了整件事。直到有一天,他的一些朋友告诉他:“在一个著名的展览上,一幅画标价$200,000,画里的人看起来和你一模一样。”。故C选项正确。
26. 考查动词词义辨析。mark标出,标上;grasp抓住;follow跟随;buy买。在一个著名的展览上,一幅画标价$200,000。故A选项正确。
27. 考查副词词义辨析。eventually最终,最后;exactly完全地,确切地;slightly稍微地;probably可能地。画里的人看起来和你(富人)完全一样。exactly表强调。B选项正确。
28. 考查名词词义辨析。content内容;cover封面;sign迹象,符号;title标题,头衔。奇怪的是,这幅画的标题是“Thief”。故D选项正确。
29. 考查名词词义辨析。coincidence巧合;accident意外事故;reputation名声;incident事件,事。那个有钱人马上就想起了数年前的那件事。D选项正确。
30. 考查名词词义辨析。honor荣誉;shame羞耻;disappointment失望;pity怜悯,遗憾。如果这幅画就是数年前的那幅画,那么,这对他来说就是一个耻辱(这幅画的名字是Thief,而里面画的就是他)。故B选项正确。
31. 考查短语辨析。right away立刻;just now刚才;at times有时候;now and then时不时地。有钱人马上去找那位画家。A选项正确。
32. 考查名词词义辨析。process过程,程序;head头;faith信念,信任;concept概念。带着强烈地信念(数年前,有钱人羞辱了艺术家,艺术家想一雪前耻),艺术家使有钱人低下了头。C选项正确。
33. 考查动词词义辨析。raise提高,举起;bend低(头),俯(首);charge收费,索价;fail失败。有钱人向艺术家道歉,并且花了20万美元买回了那幅画。他向艺术家低了头。B选项正确。




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