Inside the Race to Contain America’s First Coronavirus Case It started with a stubborn cough. A visi

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Inside the Race to Contain America’s First Coronavirus Case
It started with a stubborn cough. A visit to an 1._____________(urge) care facility. A test
Inside the Race to Contain America’s First Coronavirus Case
It started with a stubborn cough. A visit to an 1._____________(urge) care facility. A test being sent off to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And then a 35-year-old resident of Snohomish County, Wash., who had returned from visiting family in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak, being named the first confirmed case of the coronavirus in the United States.
At the Snohomish Health District, the staff of 113 2.____________(pour) 1,000 hours 3.__________ coronavirus control since the patient’s test was sent to the C.D.C..
Within the United States, containing the virus is a local 4.____________(responsible). It is health officials at the county and municipal level 5.__________ are scrambling to isolate the sick, learn where they have been and monitor those who have come in contact with them. Health workers are also debunking rumors, calming fears and bracing for the 6.____________(expect) emergence of new cases.
The Snohomish County patient has been discharged from the hospital with 7._____________(instruct) from doctors to remain 8.____________(isolate) at home for now. Snohomish health officials declined 9.___________(release) his name.
The man said he was continuing to get 10._____________(well) and he thanked those who had cared for him. He expressed a desire to return to his normal life and “not to be in the public eye.”
1.urgent 2.has poured 3.into 4.responsibility 5.who/that
6.expected 7.instructions 8.isolated release 10.better
1.inside sth.  在……里面(在新闻标题中,常指揭示某新闻内幕)
2.contain  vt. 遏制(to stop sth. from spreading or escaping) Doctors are struggling to contain the epidemic.
   contain vt. 控制(to control strong feelings of anger, excitement etc.)
   contain oneself 控制某人自己
   He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself.
3.stubborn  adj. 难对付的(difficult to remove, deal with, or use) 近义表达:tough  stubborn stains 顽固污渍
 stubborn adj. 顽固的,倔强的(determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable)
a stubborn old man 倔老头
4.epicenter UK /ˈepɪsentə/ US /ˈepəsentər/  n. 事件发生的中心(the place where the most important things happen and important decisions are made);震中(the place on the surface of the Earth that is right above the point where an earthquake begins inside the Earth) 5.scramble to do sth.  赶忙做某事(try to do something difficult very quickly) scramble vi. 爬
scramble up 向上爬
scramble down 向下爬
scramble over sth. 爬过某物
6.debunk   vt. 驳斥,揭穿(to show that an idea or belief is false) His claims were later debunked by fellow academics.
7.brace for  为困难做准备、做防备 brace oneself for sth. = be braced for sth. 自己做好准备应对某事
The base was braced for an attack. 基地已经做好准备应对袭击。 discharged from the hospital  出院




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