用括号内单词的适当形式填空 1.If you subscribe to the newspaper, it’ll be ________ (benefit)to your English study.

摘要:   一、用括号内单词的适当形式填空  1.If you subscribe to the newspaper,it’ll be ________ (benefit)to your English study.  2.Environmental protection


  1.If you subscribe to the newspaper,it’ll be ________ (benefit)to your English study.

  2.Environmental protection has been a global concern. It is one of the current issues that are ________ with each person. An increasing number of people are  ________ about the environment and global conferencesenvironmental protection are held regularly. As far as I ________,we will have a bluer sky in the near future.(concern)

  3.The students ________to read any books they like in the library,but they can’t take them out without the librarian’s ________ .(permit)

  4.No matter how it changes,the meaning of the Spring Festival is still of great ________(significant)in China.


  amount to attach importance to belong to be intended to

  5.It’s difficult to sort these old books,for some of them  ________ none of the classification.

  6.The concert to be held next Friday ________ raise money for the homeless.

  7.We should ________staying in good health,both physically and mentally.

  8.At the start of this year,foreigners living in Italy ________ 4.56 million or 7.5 percent of the total population.







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