用括号内单词的适当形式填空 1.I had no idea that one simple comment would set off such a huge__________ (argue).

摘要:   一、用括号内单词的适当形式填空  1.I had no idea that one simple comment would set off such a huge__________ (argue).  2.Generally speaking,at that time


  1.I had no idea that one simple comment would set off such a huge__________ (argue).

  2.Generally speaking,at that time there was no _________(equal)between men and women,and women were not treated as _________as men.(equal)

  3.The cinema was crowded with people,_________ (include)many children seated on their parents’ laps.

  4.If we want to get to Chicago by sunset,it means _________ (have)to leave at dawn tomorrow.

  5. _________ (observe)from the government are in place to ensure the course of the election is reliable.

  6.He is a _________ (wealth)man,but his personal life is surprisingly simple.


  7.Have you ever met a case in which you were accused _________doing something that you had never done?

  8.The government of China is on the side of countries that are _________favour of peace.

  9.Success partially depends_________ whether you have the patience to do simple things perfectly.

  10.All those entering and leaving the country shall submit _________ a search by the guards at the port.







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