完形填空My daughter had just turned five when I took her to go grocery shopping with me one day. There o

摘要: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
My daughter had just turned five when I took her to go grocery shopping with me one day. There on ___21___was the most bea
完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
My daughter had just turned five when I took her to go grocery shopping with me one day. There on ___21___was the most beautiful toilet paper she had never seen, for it was pink. During __22___awareness month, the toilet paper company had made their produce pink, with a part of each sale’s  __23___helping the people in need. And my daughter simply had to have it. She __24___with her sweetest pretty pleases. Of course I___25___her request, explaining that it was pink to __26___awareness of kindness and that ___27___of the money we were paying was going towards helping others.
My little girl sat in the cart, holding her package of pink toilet paper. She could not contain her __28___and talked on and on about how__29___the rest of the family would be when she shared her __30___with them. On the way out, she retold to the cashier everything she could remember about the__31___of the colored toilet paper. Her passion spread among the other___32___, and several more packages __33___the checkouts that morning.
My daughter carried the tower of toilet paper into the house herself and dragged it upstairs, which was a great   ___34___considering the package stood as __35___as she did. That evening, I walked into the bathroom to find all the rolls___36___stored in the cupboard, in the shape of a __37___castle. She began in all seriousness as she ceremoniously(隆重地)__38___a half used white roil on the holder with a new pink one, “ __39___ I use it, I will remember to pray for all those people who are___40___right now.”
21. A. display     B. television     C. time     D. purpose
22. A. science     B. baby-care     C. charity     D. peace
23. A. goods     B. procedures     C. costs     D. profits
24. A. cried     B. begged     C. lied     D. challenged
25. A. refused     B. ignored     C. met     D. avoided
26. A. represent     B. raise     C. teach     D. sell
27. A. all     B. none     C. any     D. some
28. A. excitement     B. calmness     C. nervousness     D. patience
29. A. thrilled     B. disappointed     C. comfortable     D. lucky
30. A. money     B. idea     C. treasure     D. awareness
31. A. usage     B. price     C. misunderstanding     D. meaning
32. A. families     B. cashiers     C. papermakers     D. customers
33. A. got caught in     B. went through     C. broke into     D. fell off
34. A. accomplishment B. independence     C. responsibility     D. expectation
35. A. large     B. strong     C. tall     D. small
36. A. neatly     B. disorderly     C. surely     D. naturally
37. A. lonely     B. lovely     C. different     D. homely
38. A. compared     B. combined     C. replaced     D. mixed
39. A. In case     B. Now that     C. Only it     D. Every time
40. A. in common     B. in trouble     C. in practice     D. in silence
完形填空 21--25. A C D B C    26--30. BDA AC    31--35. DDBAC    36--40. ABCDB




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