Why have so many awards ceremonies appeared recently? Shakespeare never won a prize, nor did Leonard

摘要: Why have so many awards ceremonies appeared recently? Shakespeare never won a prize, nor did Leonardo da Vinci or Adam Smith or Charles Dickens.
It would be pos
Why have so many awards ceremonies appeared recently? Shakespeare never won a prize, nor did Leonardo da Vinci or Adam Smith or Charles Dickens.
It would be possible to say, however, that in the past, scientists and artists could win“support” from rich people—a king or a lord would give the artist or scientist money to have them paint their palaces or help them develop new ways of making money. With the change in social systems across the world, this no longer happens.A lot of scientific research is now either funded by the state or by private companies. Perhaps awards ceremonies are just the most recent face of this process.
However, there is more to it than that.When a film wins an Oscar,many more people will go and see it or buy the DVD.When a writer wins the Nobel prize, many more people will buy his or her books. When a group wins the MTV awards, the ceremony is seen by hundreds of thousands of people across the world.The result? Undoubtedly, the group will sell lots more records.
Most awards ceremonies are now sponsored by big organizations or companies.This means that it is not only the person who wins the award that benefits but also the sponsors.The MTV awards, for example, are great for publicizing not only music but also MTV itself!
On the surface, it seems to be a“win-win” situation, with everyone being happy, but let me ask you two questions—how far do you think that publicity and marketing are winning here, and how much genuine recognition of achievement is taking place?
41.Why are some successful people like Shakespeare mentioned at the beginning of the passage?
   A.To show great admiration.
   B.To answer the question.
   C.To prepare for the topic.
   D.To provide the background.
42.Artists and scientists used to receive money from    . 
   A.rich people’s support
   B.the government
   C.different awards
   D.sales of their works
43.The writer thinks awards actually do a better job in    . 
   A.getting the winners’ great achievements recognized
   B.earning more money for the awards ceremony sponsors
   C.improving the status of the greatest scientists or artists
   D.financially supporting a scientist’s or an artist’s work
44.What is the writer’s attitude towards awards ceremonies?
   A.Subjective.    B.Indifferent.        C.Doubtful. D.Approving.




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