What makes one person feel loved isn't always the same for another. In fact, everyone understan

摘要: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
What makes one person feel loved isn't always the same for another. In fact
What makes one person feel loved isn't always the same for another. In fact, everyone understands and receives love in a specific language—four to be exact —which speaks more deeply to you than all the others. Since we all give and receive love differently, discovering each other’s language promotes a healthy relationship.16.
Language one: Words of Acknowledgement
17. even short and simple words are effective. Some examples: “Thanks for taking out the garbage”, “I appreciate that you made me dinner,” or “That was nice of you to fold my laundry.” Sincere words of kindness mean a lot to this person.
Language two:18.
Actions speak louder than words. It's what you do that eases your partner's burden of responsibility. These service acts could be opening a door, doing their laundry, or picking up a prescription.These acts show that you care about your partner and your life together.
Language three: Quality Time
It is about spending time with each other and giving each other your undivided attention.19. . Here, you put down that phone plus step away from TV, and any other distractions. You listen, communicate, and share meaningful conversations together.
Language four:Physical Touch
It is a direct way to communicate affection; it's healing, reassuring, and calming. People who speak this love language enjoy any kind of physical touch whether it is hand-holding, kissing pats on the back or hugs.20.
A. Acts of Service.
B. Housework Matters.
C. The appreciation doesn’t have to be complicated.
D. They communicate and emphasize love without words.
E. Read on to learn and understand more about the four 1anguages of love
F. Due to technology, people often are texting, or scrolling through social media instead of spending quality time together.
G. On the contrary, negative comments can hurt this person and be aware that he or she may take longer to forgive than others.
16. E17. C18. A19. F20. D
【语篇解读】本文是说明文。 文章介绍四种人们理解和表达爱的语言。
16. 此题是根据语篇结构来确定选项。此空前提到everyone understands and receives love in a specific language— four to be exact及下面四个小标题,是关于人们表达爱的四种语言。由此可知,选项E是承上启下,句意为:继续往下读,你会学习和了解到更多关于表达爱的四种语言。故填E项。
17. 此题线索是词汇复现。此段小标题是“语言一:表达感谢”,选项C意为:表达感谢不必复杂。小标题中appreciation与下文的appreciate和kindness是同根词和同义词复现。故填C项。
18. 此题线索是词汇复现和语篇结构。根据文章前后段的标题形式可知,该空应为此段小标题。根据此段第一句Actions speak louder than words ( 行动胜于语言 )和下文的These service…的词汇复现,可确定选项A意为:服务行为。故填A项。
19. 此段主题是spend time with each other。选项F意为:由于高科技,人们经常发短信,或者锁定在社交媒体上,而不是一起度过宝贵的时光。此空后是建议人们放下手机,离开电视,要互相倾听和交流,都是围绕话题spend time。故填F选项。
20. 此题线索是代词指代。此段主题是通过,身体接触表达爱。选项D意为:他们无需通过语言就交流和表达了爱。代词They指代上一句的people。故选D项。




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