Impressing an English teacher can not only make you get along better with him/her but also help you

摘要: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Impressing an English teacher can not only make you get along better with him/h
Impressing an English teacher can not only make you get along better with him/her but also help you become more interested in English. To achieve it, you can impress your English teacher by doing all the reading. English teachers know many students dislike reading. ___36___
Talking in class can also help impress an English teacher. When a teacher is leading a discussion, he/she would rather have someone say something wrong than say nothing at all. ___37___ In the end, English teachers appreciate talkative students more, no matter how clever they really are.
What’s more, you can impress an English teacher by looking up words you don’t know in the dictionary. ___38___ Think of how many times English teachers ask you to look up words and how many times you or your classmates actually do it. If you want to get on a teacher’s good side, be the first person to actually take his/her advice.
To impress a teacher, figure out (弄清楚) what your teacher thinks about a particular book, and then write one of your papers disagreeing with that idea. Your teacher won’t dislike you for having a different opinion. ___39___ Your teacher will start to see you as a workmate rather than a student.
Lastly, it’s also good to stay after class to talk about the book you’ve been assigned (布置). ___40___
A. Show that you actually took time to do the required reading.
B. You’ll show more interest than at least half of the class.
C. Instead, he/she will be impressed that you paid enough attention to him/her.
D. This only takes a few minutes, but it’ll make your teacher think you’re hardworking.
E. So don’t be afraid to say something even if you’re unsure whether it’s what the teacher is looking for.
F. Showing interest in a book will make your English teacher think more highly of you.
G. If you can prove that you aren’t one of them, you will be liked by your English teacher.
【答案】36. G    37. E    
38. D    39. C    
40. F




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