“Screen time” is a term used for activities done in front of a screen, such as watching TV,

摘要: D
“Screen time” is a term used for activities done in front of a screen, such as watching TV, working on a computer, or playing video games. Screen
“Screen time” is a term used for activities done in front of a screen, such as watching TV, working on a computer, or playing video games. Screen time means that you are being physically inactive while sitting down. Very little energy is used during the screen time.
Most American children spend about 3 hours a day watching TV. Added together, all types of screen time can total 5 to 7 hours a day.
Too much screen time can make it hard for you to sleep at night and put you at risk of having attention problems, experiencing anxiety and depression. What’s more, it may increase the risk of gaining too much weight.
• Sitting and watching a screen is time that is not spent being physically active.
• TV commercials and other screen ads can lead to unhealthy food choices. Most of the time, the foods in ads that are aimed at young children are high in sugar, salt or fat.
• You may eat more when you are watching TV, especially when you see ads for food.
Computers can help you with your schoolwork. But surfing the Internet, spending too much time on Facebook, or watching YouTube videos is considered unhealthy screen time. Despite what ads may say, videos that are aimed at young children do not support your development.
Cutting down your screen time to 2 hours a day can be hard for you, but you can still do something to improve your situation. You should also know that sedentary (不动的) activities affect your overall health and there are other things you can do to be healthier.
32. What’s the first paragraph mainly about?
A. What screen time is. B. The harm of screen time.
C. The data of screen time. D. How to spend screen time.
33. How does the author introduce his worry about gaining weight?
A. By doing research on it. B. By giving details of its harm.
C. By introducing some of its reasons. D. By listing unhealthy TV programs.
34. What will the author most probably talk about next?
A. Why children love screen time. B. What children do to reduce screen time.
C. Why screen time is harmful. D. How children make use of screen time.
35. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A. To introduce the idea of screen time.
B. To attract people’s attention to children’s health.
C. To share his suggestions about limiting screen time.
D. To make children realize the serious effects of screen time.
【答案】32. A    33. C    34. B    35. D
段落大意题。第一段“Screen time” is a term used for activities done in front of a screen, such as watching TV, working on a computer, or playing video games. Screen time means that you are being physically inactive while sitting down. Very little energy is used during the screen time”可知,“屏幕时间”指的是在屏幕前完成的活动,比如看电视、在电脑上工作或玩电子游戏。屏幕时间意味着你坐着的时候身体处于不活动状态。在屏幕前的时间消耗的能量也非常少。所以短文给出了屏幕时间的定义,接着详细讲释这一定义,所以第一段的大意是告诉读者什么是屏幕时间,故选A。
推理判断题。第三段在作者提出过多的屏幕时间能够增加体重后,通过3点:“• Sitting and watching a screen is time that is not spent being physically active.
• TV commercials and other screen ads can lead to unhealthy food choices. Most of the time, the foods in ads that are aimed at young children are high in sugar, salt or fat.
• You may eat more when you are watching TV, especially when you see ads for food.”坐着看屏幕时不需要身体活动;电视广告和其它屏幕广告会引导选择不健康的食物,广告里针对孩子们推销的食物经常是高糖、高盐和高脂肪;当你看电视时可能吃的更多,特别是当你看那些食物广告时。这三点是过多的屏幕时间为什么会增加体重,是阐述的原因,所以对其的论证方法就是介绍原因,选项C是通过介绍产生增重的原因来进行论证,选项C切题,故选C。
推理判断题。文章的最后:“You should also know that sedentary (不动的) activities affect your overall health and there are other things you can do to be healthier.”作者提出屏幕时间过长会影响健康,还有其它对健康更有利的事可以做。可见作者接下来可能要讨论其它对健康有利的事,选项B是孩子要做什么来减少“屏幕时间”?选项B切题,故选B。




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