It can take days, weeks, even years for an artist to finish a painting or drawing. For one Oxford-ba

摘要:   阅读理解D  It can take days, weeks, even years for an artist to finish a painting or drawing. For one Oxford-based artist it takes just two hours. Describ


  It can take days, weeks, even years for an artist to finish a painting or drawing. For one Oxford-based artist it takes just two hours. Described as “one of the most exciting artists of our time”, Ai-Da differs from past artists: she is a robot.

  Meet Ai-Da, the first realistic human-shaped robot in the world to be shown on an art exhibition (展览). Named after Ada Lovelace — who wrote the first-ever computer program — Ai-Da can use a robotic arm and a pencil or pen to draw what it sees. With a little human help, it can create sculptures (雕塑) when connected to a 3D printer.

  Ai-Da was created to look and act like a human. It has a face covered in silicone “skin”, 3D-printed teeth, and cameras in its eyes. A team of 15 programmers built Ai-Da's software, including instructions that allow the robot to copy the way a human artist might create art — by taking an image (影像) of a situation or object, and using that as a basis for a picture. This kind of system is called artificial intelligence (人工智能).

  Ai-Da was the idea of Aidan Meller, curator (负责人) of a new exhibition called Unsecured Futures, which opens at St John's College, Oxford on 12 June. “We're at the beginning of a new time of humanoid robots, and it will be great to see their influence on art,” he says. Mr Meller hopes that Ai-Da will also be able to communicate and possibly describe her own artwork. Mr Meller doesn't say how much the project has cost, only that the money has come from sales of the resulting artworks.

  One of Ai-Da's paintings, called Shattered Light, is a warning that the environment is easily damaged. Meller says this work is “as good as anything else we've seen” in the same artistic field. Some of Ai-Da's drawings show respect to scientists such as Ada Lovelace, and Alan Turing.

  32. What made Ai-Da draw people's attention most?

  A. Her speed of creating paintings. B. The tools she used to draw.

  C. The name she was given. D. Her human-like shape.

  33. What can we know about Ai-Da?

  A. She works without people's help.

  B. She is the first humanoid robot in the world.

  C. She is named after a computer programmer.

  D. She can create better paintings than humans.

  34. What does Aidan Meller think of humanoid robots?

  A. They will be produced soon in large numbers.

  B. They are more intelligent than humans.

  C. They will take over humans someday.

  D. They will help the progress of art.

  35. What does Ai-Da's Shattered Light want to share?

  A. The natural environment is weak.

  B. Robots are as creative as humans.

  C. Great scientists should be remembered.

  D. People should work hard in their own fields.

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