根据短文内容填入最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 As high school students, we must spend the vast majority of our time in cl

摘要: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。  As high school students, we must spend the vast majority of our time in clas


  As high school students, we must spend the vast majority of our time in class and reading books. ____16____Without a friend, our world would be a wilderness. What kind of friends should we pick? What are the dos and don’ts of friendship? Here are some of my opinions.

  ____17____We may consider different people we meet every day to be nice and feel like making friends with them. However, not all good people are matches for us. Rather than make friends with the popular students, we should spend time with those we have things in common with, or who will be there to listen to us. Moreover, we should be careful about students with many bad habits, since they could pass those habits on to us.

  Being tolerant is a good idea. No one is perfect. ____18____Therefore, we should try to understand our friends and be patient with them when they make mistakes since we’re all on a journey to being better people. Gradually, our friendships will last longer and become more solid.

  Be honest. ____19____However, it’s better to be honest with friends, to tell them what is bothering us and seek their advice. Being honest will not annoy your friends, but it will bring you and your friend closer together.

  We need to be open-minded. Listen to others’ ideas, whether you agree with them or not, and be happy to make friends with your friends’ friends. ____20____

  A. We must be careful.

  B. We need to be well-informed.

  C. As is said, honesty is the best policy.

  D. A friend without faults will never be found.

  E. None are so deaf as those who will not hear.

  F. Still, spending time with friends is also necessary and good for us.

  G. We all tend to show our positive side to friends and hide our true feelings.

  【答案】16. F17. A

  18. D19. G

  20. E




  根据前句As high school students, we must spend the vast majority of our time in class and reading books.作为高中生,我们必须把大部分时间花在上课和读书上,和后句Without a friend, our world would be a wilderness.没有朋友,我们的世界将是一片荒野。可知,此句为承上启下句,花时间和朋友在一起也是必要的,对我们有好处。故选F。


  此处为本段的主题句。根据后文However, not all good people are matches for us. 并不是所有

  的好人都适合我们,和Moreover, we should be careful about students with many bad habits, since they could pass those habits on to us.我们应该小心有很多坏习惯的学生,因为他们会把这些习惯传给我们。可知,我们必须小心(交友)。故选A。


  根据前句No one is perfect. 人无完人,可知,没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。故选D。


  根据本段主题句Be honest.对朋友诚实,和后句的转折However, it’s better to be honest with friends, to tell them what is bothering us and seek their advice.然而,最好对朋友诚实,告诉他们是什么困扰着我们,并征求他们的意见。可知,我们都倾向于向朋友展示我们积极的一面,隐藏我们的真实感受。故选G。


  根据前句Listen to others’ ideas, whether you agree with them or not, and be happy to make friends with your friends’ friends.倾听他人的想法,不管你是否同意他们的观点,并乐于和你朋友的朋友交朋友,可知,要乐于倾听。故选E。





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