阅读理解 D Once March 29 was impressed firmly in the minds of British people, as this was the date when

摘要: 阅读理解D  Once March 29 was impressed firmly in the minds of British people, as this was the date when the UK was supposed to leave the European Union (EU).



  Once March 29 was impressed firmly in the minds of British people, as this was the date when the UK was supposed to leave the European Union (EU).

  The UK public voted to leave the EU almost three years ago. Since then, the UK Parliament has voted many times to determine the terms of the UK’s exit from the EU. But British lawmakers haven’t reached an agreement on any particular path. So the UK and EU member states agreed to push the Brexit (脱欧) deadline to April 12, hoping this would allow UK lawmakers to get a Brexit deal through the UK Parliament.

  On March 29, British lawmakers rejected UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal once again. According to USA Today, the failure to reach an agreement was largely because hard-line (强硬的) lawmakers from Conservative Party didn’t feel the deal done with the EU adequately separates the UK from the EU. Meanwhile, many Labor Party lawmakers were in favor of closer ties with the EU. As result, the UK has to announce a new plan before April 12, or leave the EU without a deal, and the latter onewill bring the UK and the EU countries many influences. For example, the UK would have to face the fact that the price of imported goods for British people could go up as a result. Meanwhile, there could be long delays at borders between the UK and the EU countries if passport checks are strengthened.

  In the event of a no-deal Brexit, the German government would give British citizens living in Germany an initial period of three months during which their rights to live and work there would not change. However, they would have to apply for the permits of living in Germany during that period. The French Parliament has passed a law to give the government the power to introduce new measures to deal with a no-deal Brexit. The law covers, among other things, the rights of UK national a living and working in France.

  More efforts to prevent a disorderly Brexit are still needed, but time is limited!

  12. Why did the UK and EU member states push the Brexit deadline to April 12?

  A. To wait for a new Brexit deal. B. To make a no-deal Brexit plan.

  C. To meet Theresa May’s request. D. To have a better ties with the EU.

  13. What does the underlined part “the latter one” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

  A. Conservative Party. B. Labor Party.

  C. Theresa May’s Brexit deal. D. The no-deal Brexit.

  14. What will Germany ask British citizens to do for the possible no -deal Brexit?

  A. Leave Germany within three months.

  B. Continue to live and work in Germany.

  C. Obtain living permits in the specific time.

  D. Hand in the their passports as soon as possible.

  15. What’s the author’s attitude towards the present situation of the Brexit?

  A. Concerned. B. Doubtful.

  C. Ambiguous. D. Surprised.

  【答案】12. A 13. D 14. C 15. A





  细节理解题。根据文章第二段So the UK and EU member states agreed to push the Brexit (脱欧) deadline to April 12, hoping this would allow UK lawmakers to get a Brexit deal through the UK Parliament.英国和欧盟成员国同意推迟脱欧的最后期限定为4月12日,希望这能让英国执法者通过英国议会达成一项英国退欧协议划。故选A。


  词义猜测题。根据文章第三段As result, the UK has to announce a new plan before April 12, or leave the EU without a deal英国必须在4月12日前宣布一项新计划,或者无条件脱欧,,the latter one就是指leave the EU without a deal。故选D。


  细节理解题。根据文章最后一段In the event of a no-deal Brexit, the German government would give British citizens living in Germany an initial period of three months during which their rights to live and work there would not change. However, they would have to apply for the permits of living in Germany during that period. 如果英国脱欧无果,德国政府将给予在德居住的英国公民最初3个月的期限,但是,他们必须在这段期间申请在德国居住的许可证。故选C。


  推理判断题。根据文章最后一段More efforts to prevent a disorderly Brexit are still needed, but time is limited! 仍需要做出更多努力来阻止英国无序脱欧,但时间有限!从而可以推断出,作者对英国脱欧的现状持担忧的态度。故选A。

  【点睛】阅读理解通常都会出现词义猜测题,要求考生从上下文理解中概括出生词或短语的词义。考生作此类题型时,首先要找到所猜测词所在文章的位置,然后在理解文章大意的基础之上,对此词前后句反复研读,最后根据前后句猜测出词义。例如小题2要求猜测出the latter one的含义,就是根据文章第三段As result, the UK has to announce a new plan before April 12, or leave the EU without a deal英国必须在4月12日前宣布一项新计划,或者无条件脱欧,可知,the latter one就是指leave the EU without a deal。





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