用括号中单词的适当形式填空——词形转换 1.Children normally feel a lot of     about their first day at school, so I was

摘要: 用括号中单词的适当形式填空——词形转换
1.Children normally feel a lot of     about their first day at school, so I was     that I left my son
1.Children normally feel a lot of     about their first day at school, so I was     that I left my son alone in the kindergarten. (anxious) 
2.When he suddenly     in the classroom, the students were concentrating on listening to their teacher. His sudden                 surprised them. (appear) 
3.A large number of people have sent off     for the job. Some of the     may be disappointed because only one third     for it have the chance to be employed. (apply) 
4.People should be     of environmental issues, so we organized an activity last weekend to raise people’s     of protecting the environment. (aware) 
5.Having cleaned the sports facilities, the     went to the grassland to pick up the litter. After his thorough     , we saw a     community. (clean) 
6.As we all know, smoking is considered     to our health. If you insist on smoking, you will be a     to others because they are forced to take in the second-hand smoke. You should not put their lives in     , so you had better quit it.(danger) 
7.Living in the city will put you in touch with people from a     (diverse) of cultures.  
8.The company     into several departments. He will be sent to the sales     after graduation. (divide) 
9.You are right. Regular exercise can keep you full of     . Besides, enough sleep can make us     and enable us to perform well in exams.(energy) 
10.Mary was too     to tell her family about the     scene because it almost     her to death. She was shaking with     at the thought of it. (frighten) 
11.I am the     of the project but I can’t     all the work on my own. So my assistant helps me with the everyday     . (manage) 
12.I wasn’t blaming anyone; I     (mere) said errors like this could be avoided. 
13.Bob is very    of his younger brother and tries every way     him. I think Bob provides too much    for him.(protect) 
14.To escape the     is one of the most obvious reasons why people lie. No one likes     .(punish) 
15.(1)I have a lot to say in     to this matter. (relate) 
(2)Tiredness is directly     to a driver’s response time. (relate) 
16.(1)We all breathed a sigh of     when he left.(relief) 
(2)Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to     her. (relief) 
17.I called to make a table     for two for seven o’clock, only to be told that all the tables     . (reserve) 
18.Everything seemed to be going     (smooth) for the first two days after I moved to New York.  
19.    of food are almost exhausted in the town, but the food    cannot     more food to their customers. (supply) 
20.He     the accident and became the only     . His     was really a wonder. (survive) 
21.(1)When a fire broke out, help was     needed.(urge) 
(2)The most     thing was to make sure everyone went out of the building. So the firefighters     that people leave the building as soon as possible. (urge) 




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