用括号中单词的适当形式填空——词形转换 1.To predict earthquakes more _________ , they have done a lot of research to ge

摘要:   用括号中单词的适当形式填空——词形转换  1.To predict earthquakes more _________ ,they have done a lot of research to get more  ________ data


  1.To predict earthquakes more _________ ,they have done a lot of research to get more  ________ data related to earthquakes. Thus,they will save lives with  ________ . (accurate)

  2.He noted that being able  ________ 7 percent growth in economy during the first half year was no small  ________ ,but the goal of stable growth was  ________ according to the prediction of economists.(achieve)

  3.I really ________ people who can work in such difficult conditions. My neighbour Lily is one of them. Her dedication to her work is ________ . My  ________ for her grows daily. (admire)

  4.The  ________ left me a deep impression,so I had a desire to purchase the product  ________ on TV. (advertise)

  5.It was ________ to have such rainy weather. What  ________ him most was that he forgot to take an umbrella with him. When he got to the office,he was wet through,which made him really  ________.(annoy)

  6.Mr. Shen ________head of China Central Television this March. The papers of the ________ were signed. The newly________leader made some reforms.(appoint)

  7.It seems that children nowadays rarely show any   ________for what their parents do for them. So I don’t think they________how much time their parents have spent preparing the meals. (appreciate)

  8.They used to________and thus their constant  ________practically prevented them from talking to each other. (argue)

  9.She  ________ at the central park ahead of her classmates. On  ________ ,she set out to pick up plastic bags and other rubbish.(arrive)

  10.(1)There is little  ________ of the damage to the natural environment.(assess)

  (2)Please ask them to send you information on how  ________ the value of your belongings.(assess)

  11.(1)The artist’s creativity is________ with living in foreign countries.(associate)

  (2)The book was published in  ________ with English Heritage.(associate)

  12.She always ________ badly when her aunt comes to visit her. In other words,her  ________ makes her aunt very angry.(behave)

  13.(1)I hope what I have written will be of  ________ to someone else who may feel the same way.(benefit)

  (2)Some people hold the view that it is impossible for children to ________ from computers. In fact,using computers has a________effect on children’s learning.(benefit)

  14.Don’t get ________ to the factory  ________ last month. It’s dangerous. We should watch  ________what is going on. (close)

  15.Over the past years,we have been  ________ to the development of our company. I’d like to thank the staff for having shown such  ________ . (commit)

  16.Having a good knowledge is one thing but being able  ________ is another thing. A lack of  ________ sometimes causes serious problems. (communicate)

  17.Only qualified  ________can compete in the final  ________ in Shanghai.(compete)

  18.I had  ________ confidence in her at first. But later I  ________ changed my mind. (complete)

  19.We ________ a survey to find out what our customers thought of our local bus service. The result showed that most passengers were satisfied with the  ________ . (conduct)

  20.Be a bit more  ________ about yourself!In some way,your________ will surely help you achieve success. (confident)

  21.For  ________ ,I’m living at my mother’s house until my new apartment is ready. If it’s  ________ for you,you can come to stay with us this weekend. (convenient)

  22.True  ________ have the ability to create something new. Experimenting with materials ________ something new can go a long way towards helping develop children’s  ________ .In this way,they may become  ________people who have many new ideas. The problem they face is how to use these ideas  ________  .(create)

  23.The war has ended but the government spending on  ________ is still increasing.(defend)

  24.He ________ himself to a worthy cause. His ________ won respect of the public. (devote)

  25.Last night I went to see a film  ________ by a famous  ________ . I found many of my former classmates  ________ I arrived there.Under the  ________ of the broadcaster,I finally found my seat. (direct)

  26.We searched all morning for the missing papers and finally  ________ them in a drawer. The  ________ of the papers brought us a sense of relief. (discover)

  27.On hearing the news,they held a meeting  ________ whether they would take part in the competition. After a heated  ________,they finally decided to have a try. (discuss)

  28.There is no ________ that Catherine is  ________ about her future,for she  ________  whether she can continue to work.(doubt)

  29.When I was in trouble,the teacher  ________ me to keep going. With her help and  ________ ,I worked hard until I succeeded. I’ll never forget her  ________ words. (encourage)

  30.(1)As a teacher,we must have love and patience. We must be  ________to the job. We should treat every student  ________  .(equal)

  (2)Don’t you believe in ________ between men and women?(equal)

  31.Our parents have high  ________ of us. They  ________ us to enter a good university,find a good job and live a happy life. (expect)

  32.At yesterday’s lecture,the professor ________ to us why the government couldn’t make a clear ________ for the attack.(explain)

  33.In the letter I  ________ that I would give him a present as an  ________ of gratitude.(express)

  34.Hearing her  ________ arguments,I  ________ to admit that I had done it wrong,wearing a  ________and embarrassed smile on my face. (force)

  35.Seeing a little dog suddenly appear in front of my car,I slammed on the brakes without ________ . If I  ________ for a second,the dog would have been killed. (hesitate)

  36.I feel  ________to make a speech tonight to celebrate Mother’s Day in ________of our mothers. (honour)

  37.He  ________ to start a business after graduating from college. Knowing his ________ ,his parents praised him a lot.(intend)

  38.Mr. Brown ________ Mrs. Brown in 2005,and they have a very happy ________ . Now they would like to see their daughter get  ________ ,settle down and have kids.(marry)

  39. ________the eggs into the flour. The ________ of flour and eggs is then left in a warm place for four hours. (mix)

  40.Grey decided to move to the countryside. His mother had no ________ to it,while his father ________ to it. (object)

  41.She had an outstanding ability of ________ ,and she  ________ a letter on the table which read "Please ________ the local customs."(observe)

  42.The committee members  ________ the bill and gave some ________ ideas. (oppose)

  43.I waited and waited,but there was still no answer. Ten minutes passing by,my ________ finally ran out and I couldn’t help yelling at him ________ .(patient)

  44.That famous  ________ is said to  ________ a humorous  ________ at yesterday’s evening party,which has left a deep impression on the audience. (perform)

  45.She works for a company that ________ electrical goods. Their  ________ always enjoy great success when introduced to the market. The company’s new model will be in ________early next year. (produce)

  46.The town has changed beyond ________ since I left here. I could hardly  ________ it when I saw its picture. (recognize)

  47.In  ________ to your question about cost,the ticket for the film is 35 yuaneach.(refer)

  48.Listening to music is one of my favorite  ________ .  ________ myself,I usually lie on the sofa,enjoying the ________ music. After that I always feel ________ .(relax)

  49.That young man is honest and cooperative and he is always there when you need his help. In short,he’s ________ .(rely)

  50.America ________ first by people who came from Asia about 25,000 years ago. In the 19th century,many Native Americans were killed by Europeans,the new  ________ ,during the  ________ of the American West. (settle)

  51.All the members should realize the value and ________ (significant)of what they are going to do.

  52.He ________ at the last meeting that we accept the ________given by the teacher. (suggest)

  53.To our________ ,he didn’t feel  ________ at the  ________ news at all. (surprise)

  54.After years of regular________,she gradually became healthy.(treat)

  55.The doctor said he was a ________and was willing to participate in the________ activities.(volunteer)







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