阅读理解Frequently Asked QuestionsWill I receive a new or used textbook?

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Frequently Asked Questions
Will I receive a new or used textbook?
You may receive a new or a used textbook, based on availability. All used textbooks
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I receive a new or used textbook?
You may receive a new or a used textbook, based on availability. All used textbooks will be in acceptable rental condition, as determined by us. If you are not satisfied with the book you receive, you can return it for a refund within 30 days.
Will my textbook include the CD and other supplementary (附加) materials?
We do not guarantee that supplementary materials will be included when you rent textbooks from Amazon. com.
Can I write and highlight in the textbook?
As a courtesy to future customers, we ask that you limit your writing and highlighting to a minimal amount. If we determine that the book is no longer in acceptable rental condition when you return it, you will be charged the full purchase price, and we will ship the book back to you to keep.
What does acceptable rental condition mean?
Acceptable rental condition means:
• Cover is not torn or taped;
• No missing, torn, or loose pages;
• No burns, fire, water or smoke damage;
• No smell of any kind (including musty odor, cigar or cigarette odor);
• No excessive writing or highlighting.
What happens if I am late returning my textbooks?
If your book is not received with a postmark of the due date or an earlier date, we will automatically extend your textbook rental period by 15 days and charge you for a 15 day extension, and if the textbook is still not received with a postmark of the extension due date or an earlier date, we will charge you the purchase price. Please do not ship the book to us once you have been charged the buyout price — that textbook is yours to keep.
1. What are the textbooks rent from Amazon.com like?
A. They are all used old books.
B. They are all good enough to use.
C. They contain a lot of pictures and marks.
D. They include the CD and supplementary materials.
2. When you return the textbook, it has to meet the requirements except that       .
A. its cover is not torn or taped
B. there is no missing, torn or loose pages
C. it is clean without any damage or smell
D. there isn’t any writing or highlighting in it
3. If you can’t return the textbook at the extension due date you will       .
A. have to keep it and be charged the purchase price
B. lose the right to rent any textbook forever
C. get a 15 day extension free of charge
D. surely receive a bill for the rental
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