How Do Bats Live With So Many Viruses? If previous outbreaks of coronavirus are any indication,

摘要: F
How Do Bats Live With So Many Viruses?
If previous outbreaks of coronavirus are any indication, the Wuhan strain that is now spreading may eventually 1.______
How Do Bats Live With So Many Viruses?
If previous outbreaks of coronavirus are any indication, the Wuhan strain that is now spreading may eventually 1.____________(trace) back to bats.
One bat can host many different viruses 2._________ getting sick. They 3.___________(think) to be the natural reservoir for the Ebola and many other viruses.
Learning 4.__________ they carry and survive so many viruses has been a deep question for science. In a 2018 paper, scientists reported their investigation of how bats handle something called DNA sensing. The energy demands of flight are 5.___________ great that cells in the body break down and release bits of DNA that are then floating around where they shouldn’t be.
Mammals, including bats, have ways 6.____________(identify) and respond to such bits of DNA, which might indicate an 7.____________(invade) of a disease-causing organism. 8.___________, in bats, they found, evolution has weakened that system, which would normally cause inflammation as it fought the viruses.
Bats have lost some genes 9.____________(involve) in that response, which makes sense because the inflammation itself can be very damaging 10.__________ the body. They have a weakened response but it is still there. Thus, the researchers write, this weakened response may allow them to maintain a “balanced state of ‘effective response’ but not ‘over response’ against viruses.”
答案: traced 2.without 3.are thought identify 7.invasion 8.However 9.involved
1.strain n. 种类(一般用来指某种有机体,某种生物体) a strain of 某种……(a type of)
a strain of plant 某种植物
a strain of germ 某种细菌
a new strain of coronavirus 一种新型的冠状病毒 viruses  携带病毒 host n. 宿主(生物学上)
intermediate host 中间宿主
natural host 自然宿主
3.natural reservoir  自然宿主 reservoir n. 水库,蓄水池;大量储备
4.deep question  深奥难懂的问题 a difficult/complicated question 难题
  deep adj. 深奥的,深入的
a deep conversation 深入的谈话
deep analysis 深刻的分析
5.investigation of  ……的研究




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