用所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时加情态动词或助动词 Tom is a boy of fifteen. His parents____81____(die) two years ago, and he

摘要: 用所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时加情态动词或助动词
Tom is a boy of fifteen. His parents____81____(die) two years ago, and he had to make a living (谋生)by himself.
Tom is a boy of fifteen. His parents____81____(die) two years ago, and he had to make a living (谋生)by himself. Now he_____82_____(work) as a servant (仆人)at Mr. Jackson’s. He works hard and the Jackson is pleased with him. Mr. Jackson enjoys______83______(plant) all kinds of trees. There are many kinds of precious(珍贵的)trees in his garden.
Last week, Mr. Jackson______84______(bring) a few trees home, planted them in the garden himself and watered them every day. Some days later, he had to_____85_____(leave) for another city. Before he started, he said to Tom, “_____86_____(take) good care of the plants when I’m out. Some boys of our neighbors always want ____87____(steal) them.”
_____88_____(not worry) about them , sir,” answered Tom. “I _____89_____(try) my best to watch them.” Six days passed and Mr. Jack son came back. As soon as he saw Tom, he asked, “Did anyone ___90___(come) to steal the trees?” “No, sir,” said Tom. “I pulled them six days ago. Now they have been hidden for nearly a week!”
【答案】81. died    82. is working/works    83. planting    84. brought    85. leave    86. Take    87. to steal    88. Don’t worry    89. will try    90. saw
句意:他的父母两年前去世了。根据时间状语“two years ago”可知,此处应用动词过去式。故填died。
句意:现在在迈克逊先生家当一名服务员。现在进行时表示正在发生的动作和某段时间内持续发生的动作,与“Now”等时间状语连用。而一般现在时可以表示某段时间内持续性、反复性发生的动作。因此,此处用两种时态均可。主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式。故填is working/works。
句意:迈克逊先生乐忠于种植各种各样的树。have fun意为过得开心、玩得愉快,后接(in)doing sth.,表示“乐意做某事”。故填planting。
句意:前一周,迈克逊先生买回家一些树。根据时间状语“The week before last ”可知,买树发生在过去的某个时间里,应用动词的过去式。故填brought。
句意:他不得不前往领各一个城市。have to不得不,后接动词原形。故填leave。
句意:当我不在的时候照看好这些树。take care of sth.是固定搭配,意为“照顾某物”。本句是迈克逊先生叮嘱汤姆的话,含有命令的语气,应为祈使句。祈使句一般由动词原形引导。故填Take。
句意:邻居家的一些男孩想要偷他们。want 想要,是动词,后接动词不定式。故填to steal。
句意:不要担心。worry 担心,是动词。其构成否定形式须借助于助动词do。故填Don’t worry。
句意:我会尽最大努力看住他们。“照看树木”这件事应发生在迈克逊先生离开家后,因此此处用一般将来时。“will+动词原形”构成一般将来时。故填will try。
句意:他一看到汤姆就问:“有人来偷树吗?”。根据“As soon as ”和“he asked”可知,“看见”和“问”的动作时态应是一致的。see的过去式是saw。故填 saw。




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