单句语法填空 1. It is________great honour for me to invite you to eat here. 2. He had just rushed into the

摘要:   三、单句语法填空  1. It is________great honour for me to invite you to eat here.  2. He had just rushed into the classroom________the teacher came in. 


  1. It is________great honour for me to invite you to eat here.

  2. He had just rushed into the classroom________the teacher came in.

  3. The boy rushed out, ________(scream) with excitement.

  4. As________my task, I can finish it tomorrow morning.

  5. It is well­known________Chinese people are good at eating delicious foods.

  6. I’m sorry, but the seats________(reserve) for the old already.

  7. Large amounts of money________(spend) rebuilding the temple.

  8. Only when he apologizes for his________(rude) will I speak to him again.

  9. It would be________(believe) that such a gentleman should be so rude to his parents.

  10. I opened the door and a boy in ________(rag) was standing there.


  1. a 2. when

  3. screaming 4. for/to

  5. that 6. have been reserved/are reserved

  7. were spent 8. rudeness

  9. unbelievable 10. rags





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