结合语境,根据首字母或汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空。 1. I must tell you that his________(耐性) has its limit. 2. ________(真正的) k

摘要:   一、单词拼写  结合语境,根据首字母或汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空。  1. I must tell you that his________(耐性)has its limit.  2. ________(真正的)knowledg



  1. I must tell you that his________(耐性)has its limit.

  2. ________(真正的)knowledge comes from practice.

  3. She came up with a ________ (新颖的)solution to the problem.

  4. The man was ________ (尖叫)with pain.

  5. Everyone ________(鞠躬)as the Queen walked into the room.

  6. Don’t you think it was r________ of them to leave the meeting hall without saying goodbye?

  7. To the boss’s surprise, the customer in r________ should take out a million-pound note from his pocket.

  8. The doctor will not p________ him to walk until his leg has fully recovered.

  9. Your laziness can a________ for your total failure.

  10. We all think it wrong to judge a person by his a________.


  1. patience 2. Genuine

  3. novel 4. screaming

  5. bowed 6. rude

  7. rags 8. permit

  9. account 10.appearance





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