单句语法填空 1. Mary can’t decide_____________ book she should borrow. 2. That’s ____________ my friend li

摘要:   二、单句语法填空  1.Mary can’t decide_____________ book she should borrow.  2.That’s____________my friend lift me up that day.  3.The girl


  1.Mary can’t decide_____________ book she should borrow.

  2.That’s____________my friend lift me up that day.

  3.The girl is very interested in____________that boy has improved his pronunciation in such a short time.

  4.____________the students need is achance.

  5.The news____________he had said nothing at the meeting surprised everybody.

  6.____________and____________we will hold the meeting has not been decided yet.

  7.Please tell him____________she is waiting for.

  8.Is that____________you want?

  9.Would you please tell me____________ the nearest bookstore is?

  10.We don’t know____________the teacher will agree to the idea or not.

  11.That house is said to be____________ the famous singer once lived.

  12.What I want to know is____________it will take us to get to the station. Will twenty minutes be enough?

  13.I can buy____________I need from the supermarket.

  14.The headmaster will give the prize to____________works hard in his study.

  15.It seems____________it is going to rain.


  1. which 2. why 3. how 4. What 5. that

  6. When; where 7. who(m) 8. what 9. where 10. whether

  11. where 12. how long 13. what/whatever 14. whoever 15. as if/as though





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