
摘要: 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
8.When is the man's next class?
A.In an hour.
B.In half an hour.
C.In one and a half hours.
9.What will the speakers probably do next?
A.Hurry to the next class.
B.Go to a coffee shop.
C.Head over to meet friends.
10.What is the relationship between the speakers?
A.Husband and wife.
B.Sportsman and saleswoman.
C.Customer and clerk.
11.Where are the sporting goods?
A.On the 3rd floor.  
B.On the 4th floor.  
C.On the 5th floor.
12.What does the man want to buy?
A.Shoes. B.Toys.  C.A tennis bat.
13.What do we know about the new battery?
A.It's expensive.  
B.It's very light.  
C.It lasts long.
14.What does the man want the woman to do?
A.Arrange an appointment for him.
B.Introduce a new product to him.
C.Repair a mobile phone for him.
15.What is the probable relationship between the woman and Linda?
A.Secretary and boss.
B.Interviewer and interviewee.
C.Customer and shopkeeper.
16.On which day is Linda free?
A.Monday.    B.Tuesday.  C.Thursday.
17.What is the Lofton like?
A.Clean and quiet.  
B.Large and noisy.  
C.Quiet and dirty.
18.What would many people like to do in the evening?
A.See a film.
B.Go to a concert.
C.Watch TV.
19.How do many people in Lofton go to work in Manchester?
A.By bus.   B.By rail.  C.By tube.
20.What can you infer about the life in Lofton?
A.As interesting as in Manchester.
B.More exciting than in Manchester.
C.Much more boring than in Manchester.




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