
摘要: 2020年高考英语试卷冲刺测试卷
Hearing the crying outside, Madison, 13, ran to a neighbors yard from her study, finding Kent's anxious mother and other nervous adults surrounding a septic tank (化粪池)opening just a few inches above the tidy lawn. It was 41 wider than a basket-ball. The 2-year-old boy--Kent had slipped in a tank of eight feet deep.
Madison was the only one who could fit through the 42 hole. Without hesitation, she got on her stomach next to the 43, placed her arms out in front of her, and told the adults “44 me in.”
Madison 45 the opening with great 46. Inside, the tank was dark and smelly. Madison stuck her arms into e sewage (污水)。 In the process, she 47 her left wrist against a hidden pole, 48 the muscles in her wrist and arm so severely that the hand became 49.
Madison quickly moved over the surface of the sewage, hoping to feel the boy who had 50. Minutes ticked by before she saw the faint 51 of his foot again. Madison 52 her good hand out and grasped the foot tightly. Pull me up! she shouted to the others 53.
Ten minutes after Madison had 54 the tank, she and the boy were 55.
But the boy, lack of oxygen long enough without 56,wasn’t out of trouble. He was placed on his side, and an adult gave him 57 whacks( 拍打) on the back until the boy 58 fluids. Madison heard his crying and knew he was 59. 
It took Madison longer to recover than the boy, who was taken to the 60 and released that same night.
41. A. slightly B. much C. greatly D. even
42.A. big B. wide C. small D. deep
43. A. lawn B. cave C. tank opening g
44A. Let B. Lower C. Push D. Carry
45. A. moved across B. jumped into C. got through D. covered
46. A. honor B. difficulty C. pressure
47. A. knocked B. moved C. hit D. rubbed Injuring:
B. building C exercising extending
49. A. powerful B. hopeful C. worthless useless
50. A. escaped B. sunk C. rolled D. turned
51. A. shadow B. reflection outline D gesture
52. A. shot   B. pulled C. picked D. pointed
53. A. around B nearby C. inside above
54. A. broke B. entered C. left d. filled
55. A. carried out B. stressed out C. lifted out d. driven out
56. A. breathing B. crying C. smiling D. coughing
57. A. careful B. fierce C. hard D. gentle
58.A. digested allowed C. used up D. coughed
59.A. all right B. in danger C et D. lively
60. A. lawn B. he C. police D room
As ten-year-old Christensen surfed the home page of the Bike Rack and a shop link for Project Mobility 61__(catch) her eyes.
“I’ m going to buy a bike 62. ___one of those kids, "Christensen told her mother. Two days later, Christensen wrote a letter asking for 63___ (donation) I think it's amazing for a guy to make bikes for kids who can t walk the letter said. I saw how happy a boy was 64. ___ he got one.…I'm writing to ask for your help.
Lym was 65. ___ (blow) away by her daughter’s effort, but doubts 66. ___(quick) occurred. The cost of just one of those special bikes could be as high as $4,000. Christensen could never raise the money. Nonetheless,67. ___ letter went out to 75 relatives and friends. Within three days checks and cash began 68. ___ (arrive). As Christmas neared, more and more donations rolled in. The teen finally raised more than 12,000,enough to pay for seven bikes which were delivered to seven 69. ___ (disable)kids in the town last Christmas Christensen is determined to keep her campaign 70.___ (go) every holiday season. "I want kids to feel the wind In their faces, she says.




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