
摘要: 2020年高考英语试卷冲刺测试卷

Experts constantly remind us that drinking enough water is absolutely important in order for our bodies to function properly. 36 Though most people worry more about getting dehydrated (脱水), drinking too much water can be dangerous.
37, you may be drinking too much water. Constantly adding water to your body can result in low sodium(钠) levels in your blood, which can cause all of the cells in your body to swell. What's more, this can become particularly dangerous when your brain starts to swell.
The best way to know if your body really needs more water is to be consciously aware of whether or not you actually feel thirsty. Our bodies are so programmed to fight against dehydration because we've always been living in fear of not having enough, so we have all of these built-in mechanisms to protect us against that. Thirst is every body’s individual monitor that lets them know if they need more. The more water you need, the thirstier you get. 38.
You may be drinking too much water if you find yourself often waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom 39 If you find yourself urinating(尿) more than ten times a day, you may be drinking more water than your body needs. To prevent nighttime urination, have your last glass of water a couple hours before bed to give your kidneys time to filter the water through your body.
Your kidneys are responsible for filtering the water you drink through your body When you drink too much water, your kidneys have to work even harder, creating a stressful reaction from your hormones that leaves your body stressed and tired 40 it may be because you've added unneeded stress to your kidneys.





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