Look at the following timetable and answer questions.

摘要: A
Look at the following timetable and answer questions.
Time Table Lv.(Leave) Boston Ar.(Arrive) Midway Ar. New York 5:00 AM Ex.(Except) Sun.
Look at the following timetable and answer questions.
Time Table
Lv.(Leave) Boston Ar.(Arrive) Midway Ar. New York
5:00 AM Ex.(Except) Sun.
7:10 AM Daily
9:10 AM Ex. Sat. & Sun.
10:00 AM Ex. Hol.(Holiday)
1:15 PM Daily
3:40 PM Ex. Hol.
5:20 PM Daily
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:45 AM
3:15 PM
5:40 PM
7:20 PM
10:45 AM
12:45 PM
2:45 PM
5:45 PM
8:45 PM
9:55 PM
36. What is the shortest time between Boston and New York by train?
A. 5 hours 35 minutes B. 5 hours 5 minutes
C. 4 hours 25 minutes D. 4 hours 30 minutes
37. On Christmas Day, how many trains at least will go from Boston to New York?
A. Two B. Three
C. Four D. Five
38. You are traveling in the 9:10 AM train. In Midway you get off and stay there for an hour. If you want to get to New York before dark, which train from Boston should you change?
A. The 1:15 PM train. B. The 5:20 PM train.
C. The 3:40 PM train. D. The 10:10 AM train.
【答案】36. D    37. B    38. A
推理判断题。根据Lv.(Leave) Boston 中1:15 PM Daily和Ar. New York 中5:45 PM,得知下午1:15从波士顿出发,下午5:45到纽约,在所有列车中花费时间最短,4小时30分。故选D。
推理判断题。题中要求是9:10 AM 从波士顿坐火车出发,在Midway 11:00 AM下车,停留1小时,为了在天黑前赶到纽约,应该乘坐波士顿1:15 PM Daily那班列车,在下午5:45到纽约。其它时间都是晚间到纽约,不符合题目要求。故选A。




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