完形填空。 I used to have what everyone might call a good life a few years ago, which was because I had a

摘要: 完形填空。
I used to have what everyone might call a good life a few years ago, which was because I had a permanent ___41___ that paid the bills, I had a good f
I used to have what everyone might call a good life a few years ago, which was because I had a permanent ___41___ that paid the bills, I had a good family that I was really close to, and I had a place to live in and money in the bank for trips and___42___ . However, I was bored even if there was nothing much wrong in my life. I wanted more. I really wanted to live ___43___ and make sharp memories instead of the ___44___ ones of everyday life, ___45___ I was a little afraid. I had never had any ___46___ in myself. When I was a child, even buying something in a shop caused me a great deal of___47___ , and even though I did get better as I got older, I never___48___ that childhood shyness. And I tried everything, like reading books about confidence. I took tiny steps towards my goals. But none of them really___49___ .
As a result, I___50___ that the small steps weren’t enough. Soon afterwards, I signed up for an internship( 实 习 工 作 ) teaching English in Vietnam, a huge step which seemed___51___, one that frightened me as much as it ___52___ me. I was looking forward to it. And then eventually the day came and I left my home as well as my loved ones. I stayed all alone in a distant country where the local food was ___53___ and the streets were dirty. I had no idea whether I could ___54___ everything this very strange environment would___55___ at me.
I had been in Vietnam for more than five months, teaching, exploring and laughing. I had learned to ___56___ myself, my skills, my abilities and my decisions. After that period of time, I returned home and was ___57___ , even to myself, not to mention to others. The ___58___ that had controlled my life and the self-doubt completely___59___ . That one big chance___60___ everything for me, and in me.
41. A. job B. home C. address D. solution
42. A. fines B. medals C. rewards D. treats
43. A. selflessly B. easily C. brightly D. peacefully
44. A. valuable B. sweet C. unforgettable D. ordinary
45. A. but B. so C. or D. and
46. A. shame B. pride C. confidence D. doubt
47. A. amazement B. stress C. joy D. responsibility
48. A. employed B. doubted C. inspected D. overcame
49. A. helped B. failed C. survived D. continued
50. A. imagined B. decided C. predicted D. promised
51. A. equal B. reasonable C. impossible D. unimportant
52. A. excited B. disappointed C. impressed D. ignored
53. A. perfect B. necessary C. tasty D. strange
54. A. add to B. give up C. deal with D. suffer from
55. A. point B. shout C. throw D. aim
56. A. accept B. trust C. excuse D. forgive
57. A. unrecognizable B. unreliable C. unconcerned D. unsatisfied
58. A. respect B. fear C. courage D. tiredness
59. A. picked up B. held on C. broke out D. went away
60. A. drew B. changed C. made D. bought
【答案】41. A    42. D    43. C    44. D    45. A    46. C    47. B    48. D    49. A    50. B    51. C    52. A    53. D    54. C    55. C    56. B    57. A    58. B    59. D    60. B
考查名词辨析。句意:几年前,我拥有人们所说的美好生活,因为我有稳定的工作可以支付账单,我离家很近,有地方住,银行里有钱去旅行和招待(朋友)。A. job工作;B. home家;C. address    地址;D. solution解决方案。由“paid the bills(支付账单)”可知,我有稳定的收入,进而可推知我有稳定的工作。故选A。
考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. fines罚款;B. medals奖章,勋章;C. rewards奖励,回报;D. treats乐趣,款待。由于空格前的trips是旅游消遣的,所以空格处单词也英语消遣有关。故选D。
考查副词辨析。句意:我想活得更加精彩,拥有美好的回忆,而不是每天普普通通的生活,但是我有点害怕。A. selflessly    无私地,忘我地;B. easily容易地;C. brightly爽朗地,笑容满面地;D. peacefully和平地。由上句中的“I was bored even if there was nothing much wrong in my life.(尽管生活中没有什么差错但是我有点厌烦了)”可知,作者想要改变,活得更加精彩一点。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。句意同上。A. valuable宝贵的,很值钱的; B. sweet    甜美的;C. unforgettable难以忘怀的,令人难忘的;D. ordinary普通的。由上句中的“I was bored even if there was nothing much wrong in my life.(尽管生活中没有什么差错但是我有点厌烦了)”可知,作者不想要每天这种普普通通的日子。故选D。
考查连词。句意同上。A. but但是;B. so因此;C. or或者,否则;D. and和。由下文中的“I never___8___ that childhood shyness.(我从来没有克服了儿童时代的羞涩)”可知,我还是有些害怕。这句话与前边自己的向往形成转折关系,故选A。
考查名词辨析。句意:我对自己从来没有自信。A. shame羞耻,羞愧;B. pride骄傲;C. confidence自信;D. doubt怀疑。由下文中的“I never___8___ that childhood shyness.(我从来没有克服了儿童时代的羞涩)”可知,作者还是很羞涩,对自己没有自信。故选C。
考查名词辨析。句意:小时候,即使去店里买东西都会让我感到很有压力。A. amazement惊奇,惊愕;B. stress压力;C. joy高兴,愉快;D. responsibility责任。空格处单词与下句话中的“childhood shyness(儿童时代的羞涩)”呼应。故选B。
考查动词辨析。句意:尽管我年纪大点时这种情况要好一点,但我始终无法克服童年的羞怯的恐惧和不自信。A. employed雇用,应用;B. doubted怀疑;C. inspected检查,查看;D. overcame克服。由下文中的“the small steps weren’t enough(一小步一小步是不够的)”可知,作者现在也没有克服掉羞涩。故选D。
考查动词辨析。句意:我尝试了一切,比如阅读关于自信的书。我迈出了小小的步伐,实现了我的目标。但他们都没有真正地有帮助。A. helped帮助;B. failed失败;C. survived存活;D. continued继续。由下文中的“the small steps weren’t enough(一小步一小步是不够的)”可知,作者现在也没有克服掉羞涩,那些一小步一小步的努力没有太大帮助。故选A。
考查动词辨析。句意:我决定了这些一小步一小步的努力是不足够的。A. imagined想象,设想;B. decided决定;C. predicted预期;D. promised承诺。由上文中作者做得努力没效以及下文中“I signed up for an internship teaching English in Vietnam(我报名参加了去越南支教英语)”可知,作者这次决定做一个重大改变。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。句意:不久我决定报名参加去越南实习教英语,看起来不太可能的一大步。A. equal相同的,同样的;B. reasonable合理的;C. impossible    不可能的;D. unimportant不重要的。根据前文可知,作者是个非常害羞的人,甚至到商店买东西都有压力,现在要支越南教英语确是一件不可思议的事。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。句意:一个即让我兴奋,又让我害怕的一步。A. excited激动的,兴奋的;B. disappointed失望的;C. impressed    有深刻的好印象;D. ignored忽略的。由下句“I was looking forward to it.(我很期望它。)”可知,虽然作者有些害怕,作者也很期待这次支教。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。句意:我独自一人在一个食物奇特,街道脏兮兮的国家。A. perfect完美的;B. necessary必须的;C. tasty美味的,可口的;D. strange奇怪的。此空格处单词与下文中的“this very strange environment(这个完全奇怪的环境)”中的strange呼应,故选D。
考查动词短语。句意:我不知道我是否能处理陌生环境中的事情。A. add to增加,加强;B. give up放弃;C. deal with处理,应付;D. suffer from遭遇。根据常识,来到一个陌生环境,就要处理陌生环境中的事情。故选C。
考查动词辨析。句意同上。A. point指;B. shout大喊;C. throw扔;D. aim瞄准。本句指不知是否能处理好陌生环境抛向我的事情。故选C。
考查动词辨析。句意:我学会了相信自己,我的技能,我的能力和我的决定。A. accept接受;B. trust    信任;C. excuse原谅,宽恕;D. forgive原谅。由下文中的“The ___18___ that had controlled my life and the self-doubt completely___19___ .之前控制我生活的额害怕和自我怀疑完全消失了。”可知,我学会了相信自己。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。句意:回到家时,连自己都不相信自己,变化之大,认不出自己,更别提别人。A. unrecognizable变得(或损坏得)难以辨认的;B. unreliable不可靠的,不能信赖的;C. unconcerned冷淡的,漠视的;D. unsatisfied未满足的,不如意的。由下文中的“The ___18___ that had controlled my life and the self-doubt completely___19___ .之前控制我生活的害怕和自我怀疑完全消失了。”可知,我变化很大,连自己都不认识自己了。故选A。
考查名词辨析。句意:控制我生活的害怕和自我怀疑完全消失了。A. respect尊敬;B. fear害怕;C. courage勇气;D. tiredness疲劳,疲倦。空格处单词与前边提到的“I was a little afraid”中的afraid以及“childhood shyness”中的shyness呼应,故选B。
考查动词短语。句意同上。A. picked up拾起;B. held on继续,坚持下去;C. broke out爆发;D. went away离开,逃走。根据最后一句“That one big chance___20___ everything for me, and in me.(这个很大的机会改变了我的一切)”可知,之前控制我生活的害怕和自我怀疑完全消失了。故选D。
考查动词辨析。句意:这个很大的机会改变了我的一切。A. drew吸引; B. changed改变;C. made制作;D. bought买。由上句中的“The ___18___ that had controlled my life and the self-doubt completely___19___ .(之前控制我生活的害怕和自我怀疑完全消失了。)”可知,这个大的机会改变了我的一切。故选B。




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