17. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

摘要: 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
17. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A. The film industry in India.
B. The brief introduction to Bollywood.
C. The compari
17. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A. The film industry in India.
B. The brief introduction to Bollywood.
C. The comparison between Hollywood and Bollywood.
18. What does the speaker say about Bollywood?
A. It pays the actors much.
B. It produces 29,000 films a year.
C. It is the largest film industry in the world.
19. What do most Indians like doing during their free time?
A. Doing sports.
B. Singing and dancing.
C. Watching films.
20. How much do most Bollywood films cost?
A. $ 2 million.
B. $ 5 million.
C. $ 50 million.
【答案】17. B    18. C    19. C    20. A
【原文】M:Hi, everyday. Do you know Bollywood? Today I’d like to tell you about it. Bollywood, which is the name of the film industry in Mumbai, India, makes almost 1,000 films a year. Since making its first film in 1913, Bollywood has made over 29,000 films. This is a much higher number than Hollywood in the U.S.A. and means it is the biggest film industry in the world. Most Indians like watching films better than any other free-time activities like traveling or doing sports. Ten million of them go to the cinema every day. Bollywood films tell love stories, and singing and dancing are an important part of every film. Indian films are also enjoyed outside India, Last year, Bollywood made over $500 million by selling its films to other countries. Indian actors make more films each year than American actors in Hollywood, but they are not paid as much. This is why most Bollywood films only cost about $2 million to make. Hollywood film is never made for under $5 million. Most Bollywood actors are young. They work hard but only for a few years. Amitabh Bachchan, who some people say is India’s greatest actor, is different. He has been working in the film industry for 40 years, and has been the star of more than 140 films. OK, that’s all for today. Thanks for your listening.




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