Most people are familiar with big international sports events like the Olympics and the World Cup. B

摘要: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Most people are familiar with big international sports events like the Olympics
Most people are familiar with big international sports events like the Olympics and the World Cup. But have you ever heard of the Commonwealth Games?
The Commonwealth of Nations is an international organization made up of 53 member states, including Canada, India and Australia.___16___ Today, they still hold the Commonwealth Games in the hope of keeping their friendship alive.
The Commonwealth Games take place every four years. Like other international sports events, popular sports such as volleyball and hockey are played there. ___17___ Lawn bowls, a popular game in Commonwealth countries, is similar to culling(冰壶). However, it’s played on a grass field instead of on ice. Netball is another game that is seldom seen outside of Commonwealth nations. ___18___ It is mainly a women's sport.
Australia held the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Queensland between April 4 and 15, 2018.___19___It built new stadiums, a light railway and new Wi Fi networks.
___20___It has hosted the games five times. It is also one of just six countries that have attended each of the games since they were first held in 1930.
A. Queensland did a lot to prepare for the games.
B. Nineteen cities in nine countries have hosted the event.
C. Most of these member states used to be British territories(领地).
D. Australia has always been enthusiastic about Commonwealth Games.
E. It's similar to basketball, but each team has seven players instead of five.
F. But there are also other sports that are a bit less known in other countries.
G. Over 5 , 000 athletes compete at the Commonwealth Games in more than 250 events.
【答案】16. C    17. F    
18. E    19. A    
20. D
根据上文The Commonwealth of Nations is an international organization made up of 53 member states, including Canada, India and Australia.(英联邦是一个由53个成员国组成的国际组织,包括加拿大、印度和澳大利亚。)中member states可对应到C选项Most of these member states used to be British territories.(这些成员国大多曾是英国的领土。)符合语境。故选C。
根据下文Lawn bowls, a popular game in Commonwealth countries, is similar to culling. However, it’s played on a grass field instead of on ice. Netball is another game that is seldom seen outside of Commonwealth nations.(草地保龄球是英联邦国家流行的一种游戏,类似于扑杀。不过,它是在草地上玩的,而不是在冰上。网球是另一种很少在英联邦国家以外的地方见到的运动。)可知是在列举其他一些在其他国家不太出名的运动。故选F。
结合上文Netball is another game that is seldom seen outside of Commonwealth nations.(女子无挡板篮球是另一种很少在英联邦国家以外的地方见到的运动。)可推知下文应为继续介绍这种运动: 类似于篮球,但是每支球队有7名球员,而不是5名。且与下文It is mainly a women's sport.(它主要是一项女子运动。)相对应。故选E。
根据下文It built new stadiums, a light railway and new Wi Fi networks.(它修建了新的体育场、轻轨和新的无线网络。)可知昆士兰为奥运会做了很多准备工作。故选A。
根据下文It has hosted the games five times. It is also one of just six countries that have attended each of the games since they were first held in 1930.(它已经举办了五届奥运会。自1930年首次举办奥运会以来,只有6个国家参加了每届奥运会,巴西是其中之一。)可知澳大利亚一直对英联邦运动会很感兴趣。故选D。




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