阅读理解A middle­aged man, dressed in an old brown coat, sat quietly on a park bench with a newspaper.

摘要: Ⅱ.阅读理解(建议用时16′)
A middle­aged man, dressed in an old brown coat, sat quietly on a park bench with a newspaper. He lost his job and life jus
A middle­aged man, dressed in an old brown coat, sat quietly on a park bench with a newspaper. He lost his job and life just seemed so pointless. A dark cloud of hopelessness hung over his head.
A little girl with a toy bear in hand was playing nearby, whose parents were busy talking with other people. To his surprise, he witnessed the girl stray from the playground in the opposite direction of her parents. But her parents had no idea their daughter was running off in pursuit of a butterfly.
“Maybe there was a danger,” the man abandoned his paper and walked in the girl's direction. His walk turned into a jog. He didn't know what he did, but he knew he'd have to move more quickly. The girl's back was turned as she continued after the butterfly. He went into a full speed after the child.
“Look out! A speeding car!...” Luckily, she was within grasp. The man reached out, grabbed her arm quickly and pulled her back. The girl screamed in terror. But the noise of the busy streets served to mute her cries to those nearby.
“Let me go!” the girl shouted.
The man kept hold of her, knelt, and looked her in the eyes. “You should be more careful! Never play near the streets.”
“I'm sorry I frightened you. Just get back to your parents, kid.” He let go, fully expecting the girl to run away in tears, however, she stayed, staring fixedly at the ground.
“I'm sorry, mister. I had thought you were a bad man. My toy is now for you.”
“Look,” the man sighed, “No need to apologize. You are safer from now on.”
She started off, and then turned to wave before she continued back to her folks.
The man kept his eyes on her until she reached her parents. “Maybe life isn't so bad after all. At least there's still some beauty left in this city.”He thought and regained confidence towards life.
1.Why did the man feel depressed at the beginning?
A.No one bought his newspaper.
B.He wanted a higher position.
C.People ignored him.
D.He was out of work.
答案:D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句“He lost his job and life just seems so pointless. A dark cloud of hopelessness hung over his head.”可知,这个人失去了工作,因此感到很失望。
2.What did the girl's parents do when a danger appeared?
A.They had a chat with their friends.
B.They read newspapers on a bench.
C.They tried to catch the butterfly.
D.They witnessed a terrible accident.
答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“A little girl with a toy bear in hand was playing nearby, whose parents were busy talking with other people.”可知,小女孩的父母正与他们的朋友聊天,因此当小女孩面临危险的时候,他们根本没注意到。
3.How did the little girl feel after realizing the man's behavior?
A.Annoyed. B.Thankful.
C.Terrified. D.Excited.
答案:B 推理判断题。根据文章第八段“I'm sorry, mister. I had thought you were a bad man. My toy is now for you.”可知,小女孩因为误解了他而感到羞愧,并把她的玩具送给他以表达感激之情。
4.What can we learn from the story?
A.Where there is a will, there is a way.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.Helping others means helping oneself.
D.It's never too late to learn.
答案:C 推理判断题。绝望的人在拯救了一个小女孩后又对生活充满了希望,暗示出帮助他人也就是帮助自己。

1.hopelessness n. 绝望;无望
2.witness vt./n. 目睹/目击证人
3.pursuit n. 追求;追赶
4.abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃
5.scream v./n. 尖叫/尖叫声
1.reach out 伸出
2.keep one's eyes on 盯着





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