选词填空.By the roadside several young girls were________ looking bored.

摘要: 选词填空 in other words; in particular; sit around; meet with; cut out; at a time; as well as; out of breath; all in all; in many ways 1.By the roadside several
in other words;  in particular;  sit around; meet with; cut out; at a time;  as well as; out of breath; all in all; in many ways
1.By the roadside several young girls were________  looking bored.
答案:sitting around
2.No matter what difficulty you________, you must carry out  your plan.
答案:meet with
3.________, old habits die hard, even in the best­designed eco­home.
答案:In other words
4.We ran all the way to the cinema, arriving there quite ________.
答案:out of breath
5.The little boy tossed the peanuts into his mouth one________.
答案:at a time
6.You should ________ the unimportant details.
答案:cut out
7.Is there anything________you'd like for dinner?
答案:in particular
8.________ writing stories, I love reading and listening to music.
答案:As well as
9.He looks like his father ________, such as eyes, the nose and so on.
答案:in many ways
10.The book has some weak points, but ________, I consider it a success.
答案:all in all




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