
摘要: Why is Mark in town?
A. He is to have a job interview.
B. He has been on holiday in a hotel.
C. He has gone back from his company.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。
Think about how much reading you do everyday. When you look at it, you might find that reading is the work-related skill that you use most often! 36    After all, if we can read and comprehend textbooks, then aren't we good readers? Maybe not. Given the time that reading consumes, it may be a skill that we can and should improve.
37    It means getting faster and more efficient at reading, while still understanding what you're reading. Although you spend a good part of your day reading, have you ever thought about how you read? How do your eyes make sense of the shapes of the letters, and then put those letters together to form sentences that you can understand?
Reading is quite a complex skill. It was previously believed during reading, both eyes focus on particular letters. 38    Scientists now believe that the eyes lock onto different letters at the same time, usually two characters apart. Your brain then fuses (融合)these images together to form a word. This happens very swiftly, as we look through pages of the text!
Many people read at an average rate of 250 words per minute. 39    Imagine, then, if you could double your rate to 500 words per minute. You could read all of this content in half the time. You could then spend the saved time on other tasks, or take a few extra minutes to relax. 40    This leads to better “big picture" understanding, which can greatly benefit your work and career.
A. Recent research shows this isn't the case.
B. But what does becoming a better reader involve?
C. You need to practice to improve your reading speed.
D. It's also a skill that most of us take for granted by the time we reach age 12.
E. This means that an average page in a book or document takes 1 — 2 minutes to read.
F. Speed-reading has many benefits.
G. Another important advantage of speed-reading is that it allows one to better comprehend the overall structure of an argument.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 (共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
Martin Fennings tried twice to lose weight, and managed to lose several pounds. But he always 41    his old ways and the weight went back again.
Martin was 42     to fight against his habits in 2015. When he was 43    treatment for angina(心绞痛),he experienced growing discomfort. He didn't believe it was anything 44     at that time but later his 45     got greatly worse. There was 46     in my chest, my left arm, the top of my shoulder and the back of my neck," he says. “After two hours, I was still suffering. ”
Martin wasn't 47    what was happening, so he called for a(n) 48    When he was sent to Russels Hall Hospital, he was given a series of 49   After reading the results, doctors 50     that Martin needed quadruple bypass surgery.
“I thought the whole world 51    ,” says Martin. “They let me go home for three days before the surgery. I had friends and family coming round, almost as if to say their last 52    
The day after surgery, Martin felt better than 53    and was determined to start getting 54    “Life is a beautiful journey and I don't want to break it halfway," says Martin. 55    he was released from hospital a couple of weeks later, he bought a bike and soon took short rides near his home.
He's even got a(n) 56    gold because of his friend. “A friend of mine does workouts 57    every day and now he does triathlons(铁人三项).Looking at him has 58    me and he's egging me on to try one," say Martin. “I can swim. I can bike. I can run. Therefore, I put them 59     ! That is my own ‘triathlons’. I think I have the ability and determination to 60        it. ”
41. A. depended on B. returned to C. took to D. held on to
42. A. supported B. begged C. forced D. suggested
43. A. performing B. considering C. completing D. receiving
44. A. surprising B. serious C. important D. cheerful
45. A. moods B. surgery C. symptoms D. treatment
46. A. blood B. sweat C. pressure D. pain
47. A. sure B. satisfied C. afraid D. impatient
48. A. taxi B. ambulance C. doctor D. agent
49. A. advice B. surveys C. checks D. analysis
50. A. comforted B. doubted C. reminded D. confirmed
51. A. was changed B. fell apart C. was betrayed D. dropped out
52. A. goodbyes B. wishes C. greetings D. thanks
53. A. dreamed B. expected C. demanded D. told
54. A. thin B. curious C. active D. joyful
55. A. Because B. Though C. Even if D. When
56. A. main B. special C. brilliant D. official
57. A. regularly B. gradually C. eventually D. casually
58. A. calmed B. educated C. inspired D. cured
59. A. away B. off C. aside D. together
60. A. achieve B. adjust C. follow D. ignore
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