
摘要: Why is Mark in town?
A. He is to have a job interview.
B. He has been on holiday in a hotel.
C. He has gone back from his company.
Jose Rommel Umano, who is originally from the Philippines, moved to New York in the autumn of 2016. He came on a family-reunification visa and joined his wife, who had been living in America for some time. This is a typical tale: America gives more weight to close family members when considering immigration applications than some other rich countries do. More surprising is that Mr. Rommel Umano arrived with a master's degree from the University of Tokyo and 20 years of experience as an architect in Japan.
Yet this, it turns out, is typical too. Nearly half of all the immigrants who arrived between 2011 and 2015 were college-educated. This is a level ^unheard of" in America, says Jeanne Batalova, co-author of the paper containing the finding published by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI).
One of Donald Trump's many executive orders instructed the Departments of Labour, Justice and Homeland Security to examine immigration rules. The president, whose hostility to illegal migrants is well-known, has also said that he would like to change the criteria for choosing legal ones, pointing to Canada or Australia as models for America to copy.
In 1967, Canada became the first country to introduce a points system for immigration ; Canada and Australia now both give priority to would-be migrants with degrees, work experience and fluent English (and in Canada, French). Some of the president's advisers think this system is better than America's family-centred approach.
The doomed immigration bill from 2013 that died in the House of Representatives also reflected widespread enthusiasm for a points-based system. Two things ought to make this enthusiasm less extreme.
First, Canada and Australia have concluded that pure points systems do not work well. A surprisingly high percentage of the people admitted this way ended up unemployed. Both countries have since changed their immigration criteria so that applicants who have job offers in their pockets may jump the queue.
Second, migrants who move to America to join family members have become much better educated. Of the more than 1 million new green-card holders (or permanent residents) in 2015, the most recent year with numbers available, almost half were immediate relatives of citizens.
28. What is more influential when America deals with immigration applications?
A. Original nationalities. B. Family bonds.
C. Education backgrounds. D. Work experience.
29. How is the pure points-based system according to the passage?
A. New. B. Cruel. C. Imperfect. D. Simple.
30. Who will be at a greater advantage when immigrating to Australia?
A. Applicants who are young adults.
B. Applicants who have retired and accumulated much work experience.
C. Applicants who are sure to be employed.
D. Applicants who speak fluent French.
31. The immigrants who have arrived in America in recent years .
A. are of higher quality
B. often end up unemployed
C. get much better jobs in the country
D. all have immediate relatives in the country
New government research delivers some concerning news for U. S. teens—almost 1 in 5 have prediabetes(前期糖尿病). Young adults fared even worse—1 in 4 of those aged 19 to 34 have prediabetes.
A person with prediabetes has higher than normal blood sugar levels. The levels aren't yet high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes. But often, people who have prediabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes.
Prediabetes is very common among adolescents and young adults. We want people to know that this is a serious health condition that raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, ” said study author Linda Andes, a statistician with the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation.
The good news? Prediabetes can be reversed, she said. “This can be a wake-up call to motivate people into action—eating a healthier diet, getting more physical activity and losing weight. ”
The researchers used data from nationally representative nutrition surveys that included almost 6,000 teens and young adults. Blood sugar levels were assessed with three different testing methods. Other tests, such as blood pressure and cholesterol, were also done.
The study found that 18% of teens had prediabetes. For young adults, that number was 24%. Obese teens and young adults were more likely to have prediabetes. Male teens and young adults were far more likely to have prediabetes than females.
Adolescents and young adults with prediabetes also had higher cholesterol and blood pressure, and carried more weight around their abdomen(腹部).Several experts not involved with the study discussed the implications.
“The most significant issue I see is that even if a person does not go on to develop diabetes, prediabetes itself is associated with increased cardiometabolic (心血管代谢) risks in many people," said Dr. Mary Pat Gallagher, director of the pediatric diabetes center in New York City.
“This means that this group of people should undergo more careful screening and receive more intensive counseling about changes in lifestyle that could improve their health," she said.
32. What do we know about people with prediabetes?
A. They have lower blood sugar levels.
B. They have lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
C. They are sure to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
D. They suffered from increased cardiometabolic risks.
33. Which of the following group is the most likely to have prediabetes?
A. Male obese teens. B. Male obese young adults.
C. Female obese teens. D. Female obese young adults.
34. What can we infer from Linda Andes’ words?
A. Eating a healthier diet can help change prediabetes.
B. Type 2 diabetes raises the risk of prediabetes.
C. Prediabetes only exists among adolescents and young adults.
D. Heart disease and stroke both contribute to prediabetes.
35. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Prediabetes now common among teens and young adults.
B. The significance of researching prediabetes.
C. The symptoms of prediabetes.
D. Solutions to prediabetes.




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