brownbagdc Book Chat If you are an adult, you can sign up for the club. Join in the conversation at

摘要: 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A brownbagdc Book Chat
If you are an adult, you can sign up for the club.
brownbagdc Book Chat
If you are an adult, you can sign up for the club. Join in the conversation at least once a month! This Twitter book club meets every Wednesday of the month at lunchtime to compare notes with library staff (工作人员) on what you’re reading. Whether you love it or hate it, we want to know. The meetings are held from 12 noon until 1p.m. at #brownbagdc@dcpl.
Short Story Reading Group for Writers
Author Ingrid Anders reads a short story aloud and encourages a discussion about the story. The stories include American and international classic ones. No preparation is required.
Register (注册) here so that we can prepare a printed copy of the story for you. Ages 18+
Palisades Library Book Club
The Palisades Book Club has meetings at Georgetown Neighborhood Library. This club is for middle school students and meets once a month on the third Tuesday. The club reads many kinds of fiction (小说) and nonfiction and sometimes poems and plays are read. Everyone makes suggestions, and the club chooses the books by group talks. For more information, call the library at 202-282-3139.
Francis Gregory Children’s Book Club
This book club meets once a month and is designed for children who are 7 and up. Join us for a friendly relaxing afternoon as we briefly discuss the book chosen for the month and then watch a film based on the book. You don’t have to read the book ahead of time as we will make copies for everyone who is there. Different kinds of books are chosen. For questions, call 202-698-3873.
21. After joining #brownbagdc Book Chat, what do you need to do?
A. Share what you read every month. B. Visit some library staff in person.
C. Attend a monthly meeting at a library. D. Join in a conversation every Wednesday.
22. What will Ingrid Anders do for the club?
A. Read short stories for others. B. Write short stories for discussion.
C. Help readers prepare for activities. D. Encourage members to write stories.
23. What do #brownbagdc Book Chat, Palisades Library Book Club and Francis Gregory Children’s Book Club have in common?
A. The clubs are open to people of all ages.
B. The clubs meet at least once a month.
C. Before the meetings, members are required to finish reading a book.
D. All the clubs can be got in touch with by phone.
【答案】21. A    22. A    23. B
细节理解题。第一个广告中:“This Twitter book club meets every Wednesday of the month at lunchtime to compare notes with library staff (工作人员) on what you’re reading.”,这个推特读书俱乐部在月中每个周三午饭时间活动,就你所读的书与读书馆工作人员对照读书笔记。可以看出它是个线上活动,选项B、C、D中都涉及了线下活动的地点和人员,所以错误,选项A是每月分享你所读的内容,与文中内容一致,故选A。
细节理解题。第二个广告中:“Author Ingrid Anders reads a short story aloud……”作者Ingrid Anders会大声为其它人读短篇小说,选项A是Ingrid Anders为其它人读小说,所以选项A正确,故选A。
细节理解题。第一、三和四个广告中的俱乐部具有什么共同之处?第一个广告中:“Join in the conversation at least once a month!”,每月至少参加一次交流讨论;第三个广告中:“This club is for middle school students and meets once a month on the third Tuesday.”,这个俱乐部是为中学生而开办的,每月的第三个周二有一次活动;第四个广告中:“This book club meets once a month……”,这个图书俱乐部每月一次有活动。所以它们三个的共同之处就是每月至少要有一次活动,选项B:这些俱乐部至少每月有一次活动,切题,故选B。
【点睛】应用文阅读理解题的题型多是细节理解题,要通过快速阅读锁定各题在文章中的位置,准确定位各题在文章中的位置是第一步,定位好位置,就要逐一认真对文章精读,细节要准确不能事是而非,比如第3小题,该题牵涉到三个广告内容,要找到三个的共同之处,就要对文章精读,选项A不正确:brownbagdc Book Chat只对成人,Palisades Library Book Club只对中学生,Francis Gregory Children’s Book Club只对7岁和7岁以上的儿童。选项C错误,因为 Francis Gregory Children’s Book Club活动前不需要提前读那本书,选项D错误,brownbagdc Book Chat是线上,通过推特活动,没有电话,最终锁定正确答案B,精读是按照时间、方式、内容和对象逐一阅读,排除或直接找到共同细节,得出正确答案。




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