阅读理解A   Dear Parents and / or Guardians:   I'm reaching out to you today to ask for help in

摘要:   阅读理解A  Dear Parents and / or Guardians:  I'm reaching out to you today to ask for help in dealing with some behavioral problems. I'm certain


  Dear Parents and / or Guardians:

  I'm reaching out to you today to ask for help in dealing with some behavioral problems. I'm certain we can not stop people from being rude, but we should be able to expect students to be kind during their time at school. We should be able to provide an environment that leads to greater learning and a feeling of acceptance.

  Over the past four years, we have run many successful support programs for students within the school. We have created a reporting system for students. We have provided students with strategies (策略) they can use, if they are put in an uncomfortable situation. We also have had speakers visit to discuss bullying (霸凌). However, I'm sad to report that over the past few months the unkindness some of our students are showing is still unacceptable.

  I've had many parents and students discuss this problem with me. We all hope that our children can be given the skills they need to act properly. I encourage each of you to sit down with your children and discuss with them how to use kind words, how to meet expectations in social settings and how to be respectful (表示尊敬的) of others and themselves.

  Bullying can come in many forms and can be very hurtful to both the target (目标) and the bully. Please talk with your children about the different ways bullying can happen and what to do if they see it. I encourage you to talk with your children on what is proper and what is not proper in the school setting. It is what all of us (parents, educators, and community) should do to teach our children the importance of being kind.

  Thank you for helping to create a positive (积极的) school environment for everyone.

  Mrs. Sanders

  21. What did the school do to prevent bullying?

  A. It recorded students with a high-tech system.

  B. It invited speakers to discuss bullying.

  C. It punished unkind students in public.

  D. It reported bullying to the police.

  22. What did Mrs. Sanders expect parents to teach?

  A. Different forms of bullying. B. Useful ways of self-protection.

  C. How to use the reporting system. D. How to use kind and proper words.

  23. Why did Mrs. Sanders write the letter?

  A. To ask for parents' help in building a healthy school environment.

  B. To say sorry to parents for the unkindness in the school.

  C. To call for social support to fight bullying.

  D. To praise parents' family education

  阅读理解A参考答案 21—23 BDA





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