
摘要: 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

Text 1
W: Oh, my God. You've arrived.
M: I'm sorry I'm late.
W: ①The talent show started half an hour ago, and I was just beginning to worry.
Text 2
M: Rolland, how come you're so tired in work all the time? Another late night overworking?
W: ②No, I went to the ball and danced until it was closed. That's why I don't feel myself now.
Text 3
M: Would you like to go to the Hockey Hall after school?
W: I'd like to, ③but I must finish my presentation for tomorrow.
Text 4
M: I have to attend an important conference in England this Friday, but I can't leave my son lying in bed.
W: ④Don't worry, James. I can look after instead.
Text 5
W: I really like the novel by Listfield you lent me the day before yesterday.
M: I'm glad you like it.
W: ⑤Not only me, all my family enjoy it.
Text 6
M: Hello, Betty. This is Bob.
W: Hi, Bob.
M: Can you give me a ride to work this morning?
W: Sure, but what's wrong with your car?
M: My wife wants it today.
W: Oh. Where is she going?
M: To the mall. There's a special sale today.
W: When can you be ready?
M: In half an hour.
W: Fine. ⑦I'm just making my lunch now. ⑥See you in half an hour.
Text 7
W: What are you looking for?
M: My cigarettes.
W: Well, they are not here. ⑧They are in the dustbin.
M: In the dustbin? Why?
W: ⑩Because there is cigarette ash on every carpet in the house.
M: I don't drop ash on the  carpets.
W: Oh, yes, you do. I know because I clean them. ⑨Anyway cigarettes are a waste of money.
Text 8
W: Is this the first time you've been to China?
M: Yes. ⑪We arrived at the airport in the morning. Then we got on the train.
W: So it's really a long journey.
M: It's OK. I like travelling.
W: ⑫But you have such a heavy box.
M: ⑫Yes. And thank you so much for your help.
W: You are welcome.
M: We will stay in Hunan for eight months.
W: Are you here for business or pleasure?
M: I've found a part­time job there.
W: Doing what?
M: Teaching French.
W: It's wonderful. In a college?
M: No. ⑬It's a language training center. I got this job from an advertisement.
W: Will your wife work there, too?
M: No. She's a full­time housewife.
Text 9
M: Hello!
W: Hello, Sam! It's me, Jane. ⑰My uncle hasn't been well these days. I'm going to see him the day after tomorrow.
M: Oh, really? Where does he live?
W: He lives in Dalian. And I'm going there by train because I don't like the bus.
M: How long will the train journey take?
W: Well, the train leaves at six in the morning and arrives there at about ten.
M: ⑮ Who will meet you at the station?
W: ⑮My aunt is going to meet me.She can drive.
W: ⑮ My aunt is going to meet me. She can drive.
M: ⑯What is the weather like there?
W: ⑯ It is cold and wet.
M: I hope you'll have a good journey.
W: Thanks a lot, Sam. See you soon.
M: Bye.
Text 10
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. I'm sorry to tell you that the police have asked us to take everyone away from this building as quickly as possible. ⑱A shopping bag possibly containing an explosive has been found in one of the dressing rooms back stage. Experts are on their way to examine it. We ask you to leave in a quiet and orderly fashion. There is completely no need for fear. Please make your way out by Exit One. Cross the street and wait outside the supermarket at the corner. ⑲Leave your seats row by row as directed by our attendants and give any help necessary to anyone around you, especially elderly and disabled people. If you have children with you, make sure you are not separated from them. Hold small children firmly by the hand. If you forget anything, please do not try to come back for it. This will only cause unnecessary disorder and delay. If you see any doubtful objects, do not touch them but inform one of our attendants as you leave. Do remember to put out the cigarettes. ⑳We appreciate your cooperation and hope you will be able to return to your seats shortly and enjoy the last act of the play.




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