Malatang, just as its name implies, means numb, spicy and hot in Chinese. In malatang restaurants or

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Malatang, just as its name implies, means numb, spicy and hot in Chinese. In malatang restaura
Malatang, just as its name implies, means numb, spicy and hot in Chinese. In malatang restaurants or stalls, bunches of lamb or beef, vegetables, seafood balls, tofu, mushrooms and many other foods are put on shelves   56   (choose) by consumers. The selected ones are then cooked in boiling soup with fiery sauce.
Just like popular street foods, such as extra hot stir-fried rice cake and fiery chicken,  malatang,   57   originates in the Southwest Chinese province of Sichuan,   58   (be) especially hot because of the main ingredient, mala.
  59   (compare) to spicy foods that were trending previously, such as stir-fried rice cake or fiery chicken, which are heavy   60   carbohydrates, malatang has a   61   (healthy) balance, including fresh vegetables and meat.
The dish is well-known for   62   unique spiciness that makes the tongue numb just as its Chinese characters indicate “ma” means numb and “la” means spicy.
The mala sauce, which contains Sichuan pepper, gives the   63   (attractive) spicy flavor that keeps people coming back for more.   64   (enter) a malatang restaurant, diners are asked to choose fresh ingredients to add to their hot pot, such as vegetables, seafood balls, tofu, and mushrooms, along with their preferred meat—usually lamb or beef.
Nowadays, Many people are also making malatang meals at home as many Youtubers have uploaded recipes and cooking   65   (instruction) online.

56. to be chosen 考查动词不定式。食物放在货架上被顾客挑选
57. which 考查定语从句。非限制性定语从句。先行词在从句中做主语。
58. is 考查分隔主谓一致。
59. Compared考查过去分词作状语。
60. in考查介词的用法。在…方面 用介词in
61. healthier考查形容词比较级。更加均衡。
62. its 考查代词。
63. attractively考查副词。Attractively 修饰spicy
64. Entering考查现在分词做状语。一走进去….就….




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