阅读理解 Change is a natural part of language development. The words you like to use are probably a litt

摘要: 阅读理解
Change is a natural part of language development. The words you like to use are probably a little different from those that your grandparents used when

细节理解题。根据文章第二段According to the research, computer users today are too busy to hit the “shift” buttons on their keyboards-e-mails are often written in lower case, that is to say, with no capital letters for names or the beginning of sentences (据调查,现在电脑使用者们十分繁忙了,以至于没有时间按键盘上的“shift”键,所以电子邮件通常是用小写字母写的,也就是说,姓名和句子开头都没有用大写字母)可知,写电子邮件时用小写是为了节省时间,故此题选A。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一段There are a large number of words that either come from the Internet or have been given new meanings by the Internet(有大量单词要么来源于网络,要么被网络赋予了新的含义)可知,互联网发展了一些新词,许多旧词也被网络赋予了新的意义。故此题选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段约翰辛普森的话The standards may be different now but it has certainly encouraged writing and communication, which means a faster development of language change.There are a large number of words that either come from the Internet or have been given new meanings by the Internet(也许现在的准则不同了,但是这毫无疑问促进了书面表达和交流,这也意味着语言变化更快的发展,有大量单词要么来源于网络,要么被网络赋予了新的含义)可知辛普森赞同的观点是网络为英语发展带来了巨大的转变。故此题选C。




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