You are out of work. You hate your job.___16___You are looking for your first job. Where do you star

摘要: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
You are out of work. You hate your job.___16___You are looking for your first j
You are out of work. You hate your job.___16___You are looking for your first job. Where do you start?
If you are like most Americans, you’ll probably email your resume to a lot of companies. You might search for job postings on the Internet. But experts say you won’t have much luck.
One thing you can do is read Richard Bolles’s What Color Is Your Parachute? This book is different from other job-hunting manuals. Bolles helps you find your ideal job: a job that fits you, a job that makes you happy. What kind of job is ideal for you? You need to have a clear picture in your mind of the job you want.___17___
Bolles says that you must think about three things before you can find your ideal job:
1. Your skills. What do you like to do? What do you do well? Are you good at talking to groups? Growing vegetables? Teaching? Drawing on the computer?___18___ For example, a mother of four  children is probably good at managing people (children!). This woman may be a good manager.
2. ___19___ Where do you like to work? Do you like to work outside? At home? In an office? Alone or with others? What kinds of people do you like to work with?
3. Job rewards. How much money do you need? How much money do you want? Do you need a lot of vacation time?___20___ What makes you feel good about a job?
So, if you are looking for a job or if you have a job but want a new one, remember: Don’t just email your resume out to every company. Don’t just answer Internet job postings. And don’t wait for friends to give you a job.
A. Job setting.
B. Job description.
C. What else do you want from a job?
D. You aren’t satisfied with your career.
E. Bolles asks you to think about all your skills.
F. The book was first written in 1970.
G. The book has many exercises to help you draw this picture.
【答案】16. D    17. G    18. E    19. A    20. C




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