Ways to improve your mental health in 2020 Looking on the bright side of life really is beneficial.

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Ways to improve your mental health in 2020
Looking on the bright side of life r
Ways to improve your mental health in 2020
Looking on the bright side of life really is beneficial. Optimists have a less chance of having a heart attack or stroke, a bigger chance of a healthy and long life. However, being an optimist doesn't mean you ignore the stress of daily life. ____36____. How to do that?
Practice optimism
Faced with a challenge, optimists more often see it as temporary or even positive, allowing themselves to learn and grow. ___37___. Imagining yourself with all of your problems solved in a future may work.
Studies have shown putting the well-being of others before our own without expecting anything in return is useful. Even if you have little time to offer, just the act of giving has been shown to improve our health, possibly by temporarily reducing our sense of pain.
Be grateful
Being thankful protects us against anxiety and depression and boosts optimism. ___39___. Before going to bed, jot down any positive experience you had that day, however small.
Improve your social connections
Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. ____40____. Instead, it's the quality of the relationship that matters. High-conflict marriages, for example, without much affection, turn out to be bad for our health, perhaps worse than getting divorced, though it's not right to make light of divorce.
A. Start volunteering
B. Find your purpose
C. And you don't have to have scores of friends to get this benefit
D. One of the best ways to make it a part of your life is to keep a daily journal
E. It simply means when unpleasant things happen don't blame yourself unnecessarily
F. People who are more socially connected to family, to friends, or to community, are happier
G. They also believe they have control over their fate and can create opportunities for good things to happen
【答案】36. E    37. G    38. A    39. D    40. C




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