介绍最近看过的一部电影, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

摘要:   用英语写一篇影评,介绍最近看过的一部电影,内容可包括以下几个方面:对电影内容的介绍,对电影的评价,推荐这部电影的理由。  The film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer&


  The film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stoneimpressed me a lot and I'm eager to introduce it to you. Harry Potter is an unusual boy with magic power. When he was a baby, an evil man killed his parents, but he survived.He led an unhappy life with his aunt and uncle, and their son.But all that changed when he received a letter sent by an owl messenger.

  It's in Hogwarts School of Wizardry that Harry made friends, and found magic in everything. However, a great destiny was waiting for him. Young Harry Potter showed his bravery and wisdom. Finally, he beat the violence and built up his friendship.

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  I like this film very much. I have dreamt to have some magic power like Harry Potter. I also think that I can learn many things from him, such as how to treat my friend, how to achieve my goals and so on. I hope more and more people will like the film.





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