Why Is 2020 Called a Leap Year? February 29 comes up on the calendar only every four years.

摘要: 七选五阅读
Why Is 2020 Called a Leap Year?
February 29 comes up on the calendar
31. E    32. C    33. D    34. A    35. G
根据前文“But it might be bad news if you were born on a February 29.”可知,如果出生在2月29日,这可能是个坏消息。由此可推知,设空句应是解释“坏消息”。选项E“You have to wait three years in between birthdays!”提及得等三年才能过生日,这合理解释了为什么出生在2月29日是一个坏消息,与上一句话题一致,意思衔接紧密。故选E项。
根据前文“In 2019, it fell on a Tuesday. But in 2020, December 31 will fall on a Thursday.”可知,2019年是周二,但在2020年,12月31日将是一个星期四。选项C “It just leaped right over Wednesday.”解释了“它正好跳过了星期三”与前两句意思衔接紧密,且呼应前文提及“In a leap year, the dates jump over one day of the week.(在闰年,日期跳过一周中的一天。)”这一话题。故选C项。
根据后文“So every four years, we put all that time together into an extra day — or, what is officially called an intercalary day.”提及所以每隔四年,会把所有的时间加在一起,变成额外的一天。由此推知,设空句应提及“有时间剩余”,由此才会出现后文的将所有剩余时间加在一起成为额外的一天。选项D“Each year, we have a little time left over.”提及每年都有一些剩余的时间,呼应后文的“that time”,符合语境。故选D项。
根据后文If you want someone to investigate a situation completely before taking action, you might say, “Look before you leap.”解释为:如果你想让某人在采取行动之前彻底调查一下情况,你可以说“三思而后行”。可知,这种说法是一种警告。选项A “One is a kind of warning.(一种是警告。)”放在该句前可体现与该句之间的总分关系,即总说和解释的关系,符合语境。故选A项。
根据后文“Leap years were believed to be difficult, and leap days unlucky and a bad time to begin anything new. (过去人们认为闰年是困难的,而闰日是不吉利的,不适合开始做任何新事情。)”解释了为什么不让选择闰年结婚。因此设空句应涉及内容为“不能在闰年结婚”,选项G“Some ancient peoples would likely tell couples not to do it, however.(然而,一些古代民族可能会告诉夫妻不要这样做。)”符合语境分析,且句子“however”与前文“On that note, some people choose to marry on February 29 because it is an unusual date.(因此,有些人选择在2月29日结婚,因为这是一个不寻常的日子。)”形成对比转折关系。故选G项。




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