Most people have practiced some form of hobby at a point in their lives, whether it is some form of

摘要: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Most people have practiced some form of hobby at a point in their lives, whethe
Most people have practiced some form of hobby at a point in their lives, whether it is some form of sports, playing a musical instrument, creating art, cooking or something else. There are many different reasons and skills for taking up a hobby.
Realize you have more time than you think.
This is probably the one thing that keeps most people back from practicing a hobby. ____36____ But we waste so much time on social media, television commercials and worrying about life which we could have used to practice a hobby. Schedule some time for a hobby into your day. Plan ahead and just do it.
Involve other people.
Why? Well, have you ever noticed that you stick to something longer when you feel that you cannot let another person down? So, get someone to jog with you, or make music with you, or share recipes with you. Plus, you will inspire them to keep on practicing their hobby.___37___
Put your money where your mouth is.
___38___ So give out a bit of your budget lo your hobby of choice so that you cannot blame a lack of “materials” for not doing anything.
For me, this has been the most important step in going out and doing a hobby. If you jog, decide which races you want to do this year. If you practice music, organize a concert.
Find the pleasure in what you do.
As with most things, starting of getting something ready to start can be difficult. But don’t give up.___40___
A. It is a total win-win.
B. Work towards something.
C. Think of a hobby that might interest you.
D. Others’ help will definitely do you good.
E. You think that you don’t have enough time to even start.
F. The fact is that people spend money where their heart is.
G. Once you have started you’ll find the beauty and relaxation in it.
【答案】36. E    37. A    38. F    39. B    40. G




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