Being responsible is universally agreed to be one of the keys to success._____16_____Instead, it tak

摘要: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Being responsible is universally agreed to be one of the keys to success._____1
Being responsible is universally agreed to be one of the keys to success._____16_____Instead, it takes a long time for kids to develop this difficult yet beautiful habit. So, how should parents teach their kids to be responsible for their duties?
Start early. If you haven’t taught your kids responsibility, you can’t suddenly scold them for acting irresponsibly. Begin teaching responsibility when your kid is very young.______17______.
Guide your children. It is important for a parent to understand kids’ skill level and give them tasks suitable for the skill level. ______18______First, show your kids where the watering pot is kept and then show how the plants are watered. Also, explain why plants need regular watering. Even your toddlers (蹒跚学步的小孩) can help out as long as you guide them carefully.
Talk about responsibility. ______19______Children who hear this word from an early age also quickly understand the meaning of responsibility. When you give your kids tasks, be sure to tell them that it is their “responsibility” to complete the tasks.
______20______The best way your kids will learn to act responsibly is by observing you and other family members. Show your responsibility by acting in a responsible manner at all times in front of your children. By observing your actions, your kids will slowly learn to be responsible.
A. Be a role model.
B. Avoid constant rewards.
C. Unluckily, responsibility can’t be learned in a short time.
D. Your praise will go a long way in making your kids responsible.
E. The earlier you start off, the sooner you can teach your kids to be responsible.
F. Child experts often ask parents to use the word“responsibility”in front of kids.
G. For example,you can give your 5-year-old kid the responsibility of watering the plants.
【答案】16. C    17. E    18. G    19. F    20. A




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